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FIFA moves World Cup start in Qatar up 1 day to Nov. 20

4 min read
FIFA moves World Cup start in Qatar up 1 day to Nov. 20

GENEVA (AP) — FIFA has formally moved the Planet Cup commence up by one day to give host country Qatar an unique Sunday evening slot with a international audience.

Qatar will now enjoy Ecuador in Doha on Nov. 20 — just 101 days just after FIFA’s decision Thursday — stretching the Globe Cup to 29 days from the 28 agreed seven decades ago when a June-July tournament was pushed back to keep away from the searing desert warmth in midsummer.

The shock late change was signed off by a FIFA committee comprising its president Gianni Infantino and presidents of the six continental soccer bodies. FIFA claimed the vote was unanimous.

The program was discovered Wednesday after a number of rounds of ticket sales to followers all over the world considering the fact that past 12 months.

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