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Top 5 things not to miss out on your visit to Istanbul – Crazy sexy fun traveler

3 min read
Top 5 things not to miss out on your visit to Istanbul – Crazy sexy fun traveler

Welcome to Istanbul, a city where East and West collide and lively modernity coexists with ancient history. Istanbul provides a mesmerising fusion of culture, history, and culinary delights, from the charming alleyways of the Old City to the busy markets and famous landmarks. As you plan your visit, it’s important to gather all the necessary information to ensure a seamless journey. For visa services and assistance, read more about obtaining your travel visa for Turkey. So, get ready to immerse yourself in Istanbul’s enchanting atmosphere and make lifelong memories.


Explore the Historic District of Sultanahmet

Start your adventure in Sultanahmet, the centre of Istanbul’s Old City, where history is alive and well everywhere you go. Go see the majestic Hagia Sophia, a masterpiece of Byzantine construction that has undergone countless cultural and theological changes throughout the years. Admire the Blue Mosque‘s beautiful tile work and take in Sultan Ahmed Square’s tranquil ambience. Don’t forget to visit the lavish Topkapi Palace, which served as the residence of sultans and their courts for centuries, and examine the intriguing exhibits in the Istanbul Archaeology Museums.


top things to visit Istanbul


Wander through the Grand Bazaar

As you explore the Grand Bazaar‘s maze-like passageways, prepare to be transported into a realm of sensual delights. This mediaeval market is a treasure mine for shopping and culture fans alike with its lively atmosphere and vibrant vendors. Get lost in the almost endless selection of clothing, spices, jewellery, and traditional crafts. Enjoy the aroma of freshly made Turkish tea, haggle with friendly vendors, and soak up the bright energy in the air. Don’t forget to try some Turkish delight, a delicious local delicacy that is available in a variety of flavours.


top things to visit Istanbul bazaar

top things to visit – Istanbul bazaar


Cruise the Bosphorus

Take a lovely boat through Istanbul’s Bosphorus Strait, a body of water that separates Europe from Asia. Take in the expansive views of the city’s skyline, which is dotted with historic palaces, homes from the Ottoman era, and contemporary icons as you cruise over the shimmering waters.Take pictures of the Maiden’s Tower and the Rumeli Fortress while admiring the Bosphorus Bridge’s lovely curves. Istanbul is seen from a distinctive angle on the Bosphorus cruise, exhibiting its seamless fusion of old and modern influences.


top things to visit Istanbul - boat trips

Istanbul – boat trips


Indulge in Turkish Cuisine

Without partaking in some of the Turkish cuisine’s delights, no trip to Istanbul is complete. Enjoy scrumptious street food like simit (sesame-coated bread rings), doner kebab, and freshly squeezed pomegranate juice as you explore the colourful food scene. Try out some classic mezes (appetisers), like hummus, stuffed grape leaves, and grilled eggplant. Visit a neighbourhood eatery for a wonderful meal and sample traditional fare like baklava, Turkish delight, and the aromatic Turkish coffee. Let your taste buds dance with joy as you immerse yourself in Istanbul’s gastronomic wonders.


baklava - top things to visit Istanbul



Unwind in a Turkish Hammam

Spend some time in a traditional Turkish hammam to unwind completely. Enter a calm haven of steam, marble, and calming scents. During a relaxing massage, let the expert hands of the masseurs melt away your stress. Enjoy the timeless customs of purification and cleansing as you shift between soothing baths and energising scrubs. The hammam experience gives a delightful escape from the busy metropolis and a rare look into Turkish culture.

Istanbul provides a wide range of remarkable experiences as a city of intriguing contrasts and rich past. Every minute in Istanbul is packed with wonder and excitement, whether you are exploring the historic Sultanahmet neighbourhood or taking in the Grand Bazaar’s colourful atmosphere.

Make sure to study up on travel advice and Istanbul’s secret attractions as you prepare for your trip. So grab your curiosity, give in to Istanbul’s attraction, and go out on an adventure that will leave you with lifelong memories.

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