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Best Time of Year to Visit Paris for Good Weather, Sightseeing, and Deals – Earth’s Attractions

Best Time of Year to Visit Paris for Good Weather, Sightseeing, and Deals – Earth’s Attractions

Wondering when to go to Paris? After my husband and I visited the city in different seasons, I can provide in-depth information about the best time of year to visit Paris!

I know that different people have different preferences, which is why I decided to create a dedicated article on the best time to visit Paris for different purposes! I will also tell you my favourite months to go to Paris and why!

Best Time of Year to Visit Paris for Good Weather, Sightseeing, and Deals

In this article, I will provide an overview of Paris weather by month, the best time of year to see Paris for shopping and deals, sightseeing, when to go to Paris off-season, and more.

As you may already know, I love Paris. There are so many things to do in Paris that you need a lot of time to visit this city. Whether you have only 24 hours in France’s capital or enough time to go everywhere you want to, this complete guide examines the best times to visit Paris based on weather, sights, events, crowds, and prices to help you plan the perfect Parisian getaway!

Included in this guide to the best time of year to visit Paris:

  • Exploring Paris’s Seasons: Weather and Atmosphere
    • Paris Weather by Month: Discover the nuances of Parisian weather throughout the year, from the blossoming spring to the cozy winter months.
    • Ideal Month to Travel to Paris: Uncover the sweet spot when the weather is pleasant, and the crowds are manageable.
    • Paris in Different Seasons: Experience the unique ambiance of Paris during each season and the pros and cons of visiting in various months.
  • Sightseeing Extravaganza: Events and Festivals
    • Paris Travel Season: Dive into the heart of Paris’s travel seasons and find out which months offer the most vibrant cultural events and festivals.
    • Paris Local Events and Tourism: Explore local happenings that can add an extra layer of charm to your Parisian adventure.
  • Deals and Delights: Off-Peak Travel
    • Paris Off-Peak Travel: Learn how traveling during less-crowded periods can lead to exceptional deals on accommodations, tours, and more.
    • Top Travel Months for Paris for Deals: Discover the months when savvy travelers can enjoy both favorable weather and enticing discounts.
    • Paris Crowd-Free Months: Dive into the magic of experiencing Paris with fewer tourists around, allowing for a more intimate exploration of the city’s treasures.
    • Best Months to visit Paris for Shopping: Find out when to go to Paris for shopping: discounts, and more!

Paris Weather by Month:

Spring (March-May)

Paris Weather by Month. Paris in Spring

March ushers in warmer days with average highs of 12°C (54°F) and lows around 5°C (41°F). Pack layers as spring still sees some rain showers. By May, temperatures are milder averaging 16-19°C (60-66°F). Spring sees blooming flowers, long sunny days, and fewer crowds before peak summer. 

Here I have to add that I visited Paris in March (mid-month, from Sunday to Friday.) I had rain on Monday, partly on Tuesday and on Wednesday evening.

Waiting in line at Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Waiting in line at Musee d’Orsay, Paris (mid-March)

We went to Versailles, the famous castle near Paris, and the gardens were NOT yet set up for the public. There were workers who were beginning to dig the ground and preparing to plant different flowers and plants for that season.

So if you want to see flowers, other months work better. Late April and May become the best time to go to Paris, France in spring. You will see below that this period is great from other perspectives too!

Summer (June-August)

Best Time of Year to Visit Paris for Good Weather, Sightseeing, and Deals – Earth’s Attractions

You may have read that Parisian summers are sunny and warm with average temperatures of 19-25°C (66-77°F).

June and July are the sunniest months with 8-10 rainy days per month. By August, rainfall increases slightly to about 12 days. Summer is ideal for strolling the streets and outdoor sightseeing.

Now, this is all true, but. Yes, there is a “but” – as, if you are looking at the weather over the past few years, you will see that there were heatwaves during the summer. Even if there are useful recommendations to help you stay healthy during a heat wave, if you want to be able to walk – get from one place to another, enjoy the quaint streets, discover the local architecture, visit the numerous wonderful parks and gardens in Paris, then you should avoid the months with such high temperatures.

Therefore, June becomes the best summer month to visit Paris for warm weather – but not too hot!

Fall (September-November)

When to go to Paris. Discover Paris in autumn

September maintains summery weather in the low 20s C (70s F) before cooling by November with average highs of 9°C (48°F).

Paris autumns are colorful and cultural with blooming parks and exciting events. Light rain is common with 11 rainy days on average per month. You know I like to admire the fall foliage and October may be the best month to do that in Paris. Plus, the kids are back in school, so all the more reason to visit the city as it is a bit less crowded. But we will speak about this below.

Winter (December-February)

Paris in winter

Paris winters are chilly with average temperatures hovering around 5-6°C (low 40s F).

The coldest month is January with freezing overnight lows below 0°C (32°F). Days are short and dark, but wintertime brings festive markets, lights, and holiday charm to Paris. 

Obviously, the best month to visit Paris in winter is December – for all the festive activities. Late February is a bit better if you want to avoid the crowds and the lowest temperatures.

The Best Times to Visit Paris for Good Weather

The Best Times to Visit Paris for Good Weather

Paris is a walkable city that’s best enjoyed when the weather helps. Here are the months that offer the most pleasant weather for strolling the streets and sightseeing. Let’s see the ideal month to travel to Paris for good weather – based on your preferences:

June – The beginning of the summer provides warm and sunny weather. Average highs are a comfortable 19-25°C (66-77°F).

May & September – The shoulder seasons see mild temperatures in the 15-20°C (59-68°F) range and lower rainfall. But make sure you still have an umbrella with you and some layers of clothes.

April & October – Temperatures are cooler than summer closer to 10-15°C (50-59°F) but drier than winter.

March & November – Colder and rainier than other months but still feasible for visiting Paris. Bring warm layers and an umbrella!

Paris in Different Seasons

Each season in Paris offers a distinct charm. And, basically, it is all up to your taste, preferences (and budget and time to visit.)

Spring bursts with the fragrance of blooming flowers (starting April, remember), while summer invites you to bask in the sun along the Seine.

For instance, in March there were no Seine River cruises – as the weather didn’t permit it.

Fall provides a romantic backdrop with its warm colors, and winter offers a cozy atmosphere with Christmas markets and indoor cultural experiences. Depending on your preferences, you can tailor your visit to match the season that resonates with you the most.

Paris Travel Season

Paris Travel Season

I guess it is no surprise that the summer months in Paris are a travel season highlight. The weather is warm, the gardens are in bloom, children are on vacation.

From the enchanting Fête de la Musique in June to the spectacular Bastille Day celebrations in July, the city comes alive with a vibrant array of events and festivals.

Be sure to book accommodations well in advance, as this period draws a large influx of tourists eager to experience Paris’s cultural festivities.

Paris Local Events and Tourism

Immerse yourself in the local culture by seeking out events that may not be on every tourist’s radar.

From intimate jazz nights in hidden gems to food festivals celebrating the city’s culinary excellence, these local events provide an authentic and memorable Parisian experience. 

Do not forget that spring brings Easter and December is Christmas time – so these are also opportunities to experience these special Christian holidays.

To find out more about them, make sure you do an online search close to your vacation in Paris as each year brings different events for different preferences.

Paris Off-Peak Travel

If you’re a traveler who relishes a more serene and budget-friendly experience, consider visiting during the off-peak months.

In November, January, and February you can enjoy fewer crowds and take advantage of significant discounts on accommodations and attractions. This is an excellent opportunity for travelers seeking a more relaxed pace while exploring Paris’s cultural treasures.

March is another such month – as well as part of April.

Keep in mind to check in advance when Easter falls in the year when you plan on visiting Paris, as the prices go up during the Easter holiday.

Best Times to Visit Paris on a Budget

Paris is always pricey but visiting during the low season provides some savings on accommodation and flights:

  • Winter (excluding Christmas/New Year’s) has the lowest hotel rates and airfares.
  • Late August to October when kids return to school and summer crowds dwindle.
  • March to May (aside from Easter) offer shoulder season rates before peak summer pricing.

Top Travel Months for Paris (outside the tourist season)

March and October present an appealing blend of pleasant weather and fewer tourists.

During these months, you can enjoy the city’s renowned attractions without the long lines and busy streets that are characteristic of the summer season.

Prepare for the weather – and expect it to be a bit cold and rainy.

Paris Crowd-Free Months

For those who appreciate a quieter and more intimate exploration of Paris, the crowd-free months of November and February offer a unique opportunity. Make sure to go to Paris AFTER St. Valentine’s!

Imagine strolling through the Louvre without jostling through crowds or sipping coffee at a charming café without waiting for a table. These months allow you to experience the city at your own pace, savoring every moment.

I visited in mid-March as well and, while the prices weren’t too low, they were lower than in June-August and I enjoyed Paris without the crowds.

Don’t get me wrong, there were people at the museums (I don’t think there is ever a month when there aren’t visitors to the Louvre and Musee d’Orsay, to name just a few of my favourite spots in Paris), but I didn’t wait in line at the Versailles, I didn’t step on anyone’s toes at the Louvre (the biggest crowd there was in front of the Mona Lisa).

Best Months to visit Paris for Shopping

Best Months to visit Paris for Shopping

The ideal months to visit Paris for shopping enthusiasts are January and July. You can add to that the end of December and mid-June (15th to 30th.)

In January, the city is graced by the eagerly anticipated winter sales, known as “Les Soldes d’Hiver.” During this period, both locals and visitors can revel in substantial discounts as boutiques and department stores offer their wares at enticing prices.

Obviously, you can find some important offers and discounts for Christmas – so if you want to visit Paris in December, for Christmas, you can find some cool deals.

On the other hand, July unveils the exhilarating “Les Soldes d’Été,” the summer sales season, inviting fashion-forward travelers to explore the latest trends at reduced rates.

These months not only offer a chance to acquire exquisite Parisian fashion but also provide a unique glimpse into the city’s dynamic shopping culture.

The discounts start mid-June so there are lower prices, not the lowest, but you have the chance to find the products you want in the size you want (if we are talking about clothing.)


When is the Best Month to Travel to Paris

When is the Best Month to Travel to Paris

The answer to this question varies, as seen above, depending on your preferences.

For me, the best month to visit Paris is June – preferably until June, 15th. I avoid crowds, the weather is not too hot, so I can walk and explore the city, I have some shopping I can do (and find some discounts), and my kid is on vacation by then.

The best time of year to visit Paris for nice weather is May to July – Mid-July I’d say – if you want to avoid potential heat waves. You have gardens in bloom, warm temperatures, and an incredible summer vacation in Paris.

The best season to visit Paris for sightseeing? Perhaps many people would say that summer is the best season. I agree, but if you are like me and cannot stand high temperatures, you will visit in early summer.

You can also consider the last month of the spring, and December is another great month to visit Paris.

If you want to visit the city when there are fewer tourists in Paris France, then consider off-peak months – February, March, and November. Remember, the weather is not very friendly, but, as one who’s been to Paris in March, I can say that it is no different than any other European spring weather.

If you were to ask me if is early spring a good time to go to Paris, I would say yes, but do not expect flowers in bloom and arranged gardens. Other than that, it is definitely OK.

Is summer too hot to visit Paris, France? Peak summer is, for me at least. Early summer no, it is OK. Warm, hot, but bearable. The best time of year to visit Paris is early summer in fact!

In conclusion, selecting the best time to visit Paris is a thoughtful decision that can significantly impact your experience. Whether you’re seeking optimal weather, vibrant cultural events, or budget-friendly deals, Paris has something to offer in every season.

By understanding the nuances of each month and aligning your preferences, you can embark on a remarkable journey to the heart of the City of Love and Lights. Enjoy your Paris trip – whether it is your first time in Paris or you are back in this city after visiting it many times!

Best Time of Year to Visit Paris for Good Weather, Sightseeing, and Deals. Discover when to go to Paris - the best months to visit Paris, including Paris Crowd-Free Months and best months to go to Paris for Shopping. #besttimetovisitparis #besttimeofyeartovisitparis #parisfrance #france #paristravel #europetravel #paristips

Paris ideal month to visit. Discover when to go to Paris from thjis complete guide to the best time to visit paris, France Good Weather, Sightseeing, and Deals. Crowd-free monts in Paris. #besttimetovisitparis #besttimeofyeartovisitparis #parisfrance #france #paristravel #europetravel #paristips

When to go to Paris. Discover the best months to visit Paris, France. This comprehensive article presents you the best time of year to visit Paris - for different preferences and budgets. #besttimetovisitparis #besttimeofyeartovisitparis #parisfrance #france #paristravel #europetravel #paristips

photo sources: 1, 2, 3, 4 – own photo, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

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