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A Thrilling Lake Constance Adventure: 3 Countries in 5 Days

6 min read
A Thrilling Lake Constance Adventure: 3 Countries in 5 Days

Right after Easter, as the delightful Spring weather started to wrap around us, we set out on a charming adventure to Lake Constance. This journey allowed us to explore three countries all in one go, without long hours of  driving. Our carefully planned itinerary for the Lake Constance adventure included with visits to quaint small towns, enchanting castles, and the most stunning gardens. What made it even better was that everything lay just a short drive away from our cozy hotel, Parkhotel St.Leonhard, making it not only convenient but also exhilarating to explore during this lovely season.

Here you find the itinerary of our Lake Constance adventure:

  • Day 1: Überlingen (Germany)
  • Day 2: Unteruhldingen, Mainau, Meersburg (all in Germany)
  • Day 3: Stein am Rhein (Switzerland), Constance (Switzerland)
  • Day 5: Friedrichshafen, Langenargen, Bregenz (Austia), Lindau (Germany)
  • Day 4: Sigmaringen Hohenzollern Castle (Germany)

1st Day: Überlingen (Germany)

As the quiet afternoon sun dipped towards the horizon, we arrived in Überlingen and took a leisurely stroll along the waterfront. Before us, the expansive azure of Lake Constance spread out like a tranquil sea, mirroring the serenity that enveloped the town. The graceful silhouette of Münster St. Nikolaus stood against the backdrop of the lake, encapsulating the very soul of the place. Situated by the lakeside, Market Hall Greth provided a glimpse into the authentic local lifestyle.

Engaging with the locals, we delighted in a delicious dinner at a charming Italian eatery nestled along the water’s edge. Every bite resonated with the town’s warm and inviting character.

2ed Day: Unteruhldingen, Mainau, Meersburg (all in Germany)


Before boarding the ferry from Unteruhldingen to Mainau, we shared a quiet moment to appreciate the prehistoric wonder of Pfahlbauten, a site just a short stroll from the ferry terminal. As we started the journey to Mainau, the leisurely cruise across the serene Lake Constance presented us with a breathtaking views under the vast, cloud-strewn sky.


Upon reaching Mainau, we found ourselves amidst a botanical paradise. Hours melted away as we meandered through the meticulously designed gardens adorned with vibrant blooms. A remarkable feature of Flower Island Mainau is the consistent bloom throughout the year. The striking diversity of flora captivated us, each corner revealing a fresh canvas of colours and textures, all framed against the shimmering lake and the expansive, clear sky.


In the late afternoon, we strolled through the charming streets of Meersburg, a town that exudes a sense of history. Among its treasures are two famous clock towers, Unterstadttor and Obertor, each displaying unique designs and colours. Meersburg’s rich cultural story comes alive at places like Staatsweingut (Winery) Meersburg on the hill and the New Castle by the shores of Lake Constance, inviting us to explore its past.
Our highlight of the day unfolded with a delightful lakeside dinner, where the calm waters and shifting sky colours blended harmoniously with the flavours of the region.

Meersburg’s lakeside hotels, proudly offering havens of comfort and tranquility, added an irresistible charm to the scenery. The idea of finding comfort in these places, hugged by Lake Constance, felt really appealing for getting some rest and refreshed.

3rdDay: Stein am Rhein (Switzerland), Constance (Switzerland)

Stein am Rhein

Stein am Rhein captures the attention of both visitors and locals with its medieval charm. The cobbled streets and houses, decorated with frescoes, give us a glimpse into history. Each fresco house tells its own story. It’s similar to the German town Oberammergau, where buildings also have frescoes but with complete different tales to tell.

The old town boasts several historic buildings, with the Town Hall near the Rathausplatz (Town Hall Square) being a central highlight. On the left side of the Rathausplatz (facing the Town Hall), you’ll find the oldest preserved Renaissance mural in Switzerland.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t great on the day we visited, which was a bit of a letdown during our Lake Constance trip. Interestingly, the last time I passed through Stein am Rhein, it was a gloomy day as well. Despite this, I still have a fondness for this place and hope to return one day when the weather is kinder.


Just before lunchtime, the rain started to fall. We left Stein am Rhein and took a lovely drive from there to Constance. Even though the rain was heavy, we kept our spirits up and reached our destination with excitement. To stay dry, we decided to wait out the rain at the Zalando outlet, treating ourselves to shopping.

When the rain stopped, we went out to explore the charming streets. Our appetite led us to a trendy restaurant where we enjoyed a late and satisfying lunch. The day might have been rainy, but it turned out to be a delightful mix of shopping, tasty food, and the charm of exploring Constance’s unique atmosphere.

4th Day: Friedrichshafen, Langenargen, Bregenz (Austia), Lindau (Germany)


Our day started with a short visit to the church near Friedrichshafen Castle, yet unfortunately, it was not open. Not letting that get us down, we moved onto Langenargen, where the beautiful Montfort Castle was waiting for us. This lovely place had more than just history – its appeal was boosted by the calm surroundings and the panorama views that opened up before us.


After that, we crossed into Austria and reached Bregenz just in time for lunch. We had a relaxed meal, taking in the atmosphere of Austria. Our previous neighbour, a Bregenz born native Austrian, shared many stories about the city, including where she grew up. We tried to find that spot, but tragically, it had been destroyed by fire.
From where we had lunch, we climbed up the hill to Bregenz’s upper town, Bregenz’s old quarter. There, we found the Martin Tower and the Old Town Hall (1662). The walk in the upper town takes around 45 minutes and passes by a few monasteries and palaces. If you want more information of the walking path, the local tourist office can help you.


As the day started to calm down, we hit the road again and had a great stop at Lindau. Lindau looks happy and new, and its appeal is hard to miss. It has streets for shopping, streets for eating, pretty churches, views of the lake, tall towers, and even Bavaria’s only harbour. We wandered through the streets and enjoyed some ice cream right by Lindau’s harbour entrance. Later, we headed to a Greek restaurant in the evening and ended our day with a tasty meal.

5th Day: Sigmaringen Hohenzollern Castle (Germany)

Sigmaringen Hohenzollern Castle is really close to Lake Constance, not far from where we were heading back to Frankfurt. We thought, why not make a spontaneous stop there? And let me tell you, it turned out to be a brilliant decision. As luck would have it, we bumped into a local photographer who shared a precious secret with us. He pointed us towards a hidden gem – a path winding up a gentle hill. And oh, what a view it unveiled! From up there, the entire castle looked simply amazing. Taking his advice, we captured the castle in all its glory. That one little tip turned our short stop into an incredibly cherished memory, adding an extra layer of magic to our journey.

Helpful Travel Tips for Lake Constance Adventure

When it comes to Lake Constance passenger ferries, BSB Die Bodensee Schifffahrt has you covered. Snag your ferry tickets straight from their website or the booths by the ferry terminal. Prices vary based on your destination or whether you’re going round-trip.

Passenger and car ferries shuttle between Meersburg and Constance (Konstanz), thanks to Stadtwerke Konstanz. Prices vary depending on how many folks and how big your ride is. And, you can buy those tickets right from their website as well.

Lake Constance is a popular destination, especially during peak times and local holidays. If you plan to visit the area, be smart to book your hotel well in advance. That way, you won’t miss out on a comfy spot to stay.

Want to make your Lake Constance adventure even more exciting? How about stretching it to one week? With an extra day or two, you could even swing by Liechtenstein. 

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