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10 Best Game Of Thrones Filming Locations In The UK

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10 Best Game Of Thrones Filming Locations In The UK

Are you interested in knowing about the different Game of Thrones Filming locations in the UK? Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows in the world. People loved the storytelling, the characters, the visuals, the music, and the dragons! (among other things). And because of that, fans started going to places where the show was filmed to show support and appreciation.

So, if you’re a GoT fan and love traveling, this blog is for you as it provides all the details you need to plan your own Game of Thrones-inspired trip. From the iconic Winterfell Castle to the breathtakingly beautiful Dark Hedges, the UK was home to some of the most memorable scenes in the series. Whether you liked the ending or not (if you know, you know), read on and appreciate the stunning locations used to bring the show to life.

Northern Ireland Filming Locations:

In Northern Ireland, the natural world and Westeros intertwine. The production team of “Game of Thrones” utilized the beauty of this region to bring the epic tale to life. Two specific filming locations amazed the fans (Castle Ward and the Dark Hedges).

Castle Ward

Castle Ward in Northern Ireland
Castle Ward in Northern Ireland

Located near Strangford in County Down, Castle Ward offers an intriguing blend of architectural styles and a picturesque view of Strangford Lough. With 820 acres of landscaped gardens, woodland, and pastoral farmland, it’s little wonder that HBO decided to transform Castle Ward into Winterfell, the ancestral seat of House Stark.

For fans, visiting Castle Ward is akin to walking through the courtyard of Winterfell itself. Here, you’ll find the Whispering Wood, where Robb Stark trapped Jaime Lannister, and the iconic archery range, where Bran’s lack of archery skills was highlighted in the show’s early days. The atmosphere here is very peaceful, yet it’s easy to imagine the chilling winter winds whispering tales of White Walkers and Direwolves.

Dark Hedges

The Dark Hedges Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland
The Dark Hedges Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland

Next, go to the north of Belfast, and you’ll find one of the most photographed locations in Northern Ireland: the Dark Hedges. This location of interlocking beech trees, planted in the 18th century by the Stuart family, was used in “Game of Thrones” as the King’s Road. In season two, Arya Stark escaped from King’s Landing, disguised as a boy.

The eerie yet alluring beauty of the Dark Hedges provides a perfect backdrop for the mysterious and treacherous Kings Road. With their canopies meeting in the middle, the gnarled and twisted trees create a haunting tunnel that feels dreamy and ominous. When the tourist crowds thin out, an early morning or late evening visit can make you feel as if you’ve stepped right into the Seven Kingdoms.

Ballintoy Harbour

Ballintoy Harbour in Northern Ireland
Ballintoy Harbour in Northern Ireland

Located on the coastline of County Antrim, Ballintoy Harbour served as the backdrop for the harsh and stony Iron Islands, home to the fearless Greyjoys. An ideal depiction of the Ironborn’s world is hard to imagine. The rugged coastline, cliffs, and crashing waves perfectly encapsulate this seafaring people’s austere yet resilient spirit.

Visitors today can roam the quaint harbor area, instantly recognizing the distinctive stone formations and the rocky shore from numerous “Game of Thrones” scenes. Just take a moment, close your eyes, and you might hear the cries of the gulls and the clash of swords from Theon’s tumultuous homecoming.

Cushendun Caves

Cushendun Caves in Northern Ireland
Cushendun Caves in Northern Ireland

If you head east, you will come across the Cushendun Caves, formed over 400 million years ago. These caves are situated on the coast and were the site of one of the most shocking moments in the series – Melisandre’s shadowy ‘birth’ scene in season two.

The interior of the caves is damp and mysterious, and it can give you an ominous feeling, just like the spine-chilling scene it hosted. If you listen carefully, you might even hear whispers of sorcery bouncing off the cavernous walls.

Aside from the Game of Thrones, the Cushendun Caves have also been used as a filming location for other famous movies and TV shows, such as “The Fall” and “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” If you are also a fan of these productions, you can hit three birds with one stone.

Murlough Bay

Murlough Bay in Northern Ireland
Murlough Bay in Northern Ireland

Last is the Murlough Bay between Fair Head and Torr Head. This secluded bay doubled as Slaver’s Bay in Essos and was the backdrop for the dramatic encounter between Ser Davos and the red witch, Melisandre.

Here, the sublime Irish coastline unfolds its beauty, presenting panoramic views of turquoise waters framed by lush, verdant cliffs. The calmness of the bay belies the intense scenes filmed here, giving visitors a serene experience unlike any other.


Carncastle in Northern Ireland
Carncastle in Northern Ireland

Carncastle in Northern Ireland offers a raw, untamed view of the Irish landscape. Atop a plateau, Cairncastle served as the chilling backdrop for a pivotal moment in the series: the beheading of the Night’s Watch deserter by Ned Stark.

The somber yet beautiful landscapes seem to hold their breath, a testament to the gravity of the moment portrayed in the series. It’s not hard to imagine the audience’s gasp as they watched Ned Stark upholding the law of the land in such a hauntingly beautiful setting.

Scotland Filming Locations

Aside from Northern Ireland, there were also locations in Scotland used in GoT, each steeped in history and dramatic intrigue. These are the Doune Castle and Cairncastle.

Doune Castle

Doune Castle in Scotland
Doune Castle in Scotland

Doune Castle in Stirling played the role of Winterfell in the pilot episode of “Game of Thrones.” This 14th-century castle’s grand architecture, towering walls, and sprawling courtyards perfectly encapsulate the spirit of the Stark family’s ancestral home.

Visitors today can explore the castle grounds, taking a stroll through Winterfell’s courtyard. Who knows, if you listen carefully, you might hear the faint echoes of young Bran and Arya practicing their archery. The grandeur of Doune Castle provides an irresistible appeal for fans eager to relive those initial moments of the Stark family’s tale. Who doesn’t root for the Starks, right?

England Filming Locations

The last location on this list is England.  Here, you can explore a unique blend of filming sites ranging from vast open spaces to a world-class studio, each having played an integral part in creating the show’s captivating narrative.

Leavesden Studios

Leavesden Studios in London

First is the Leavesden Studios, which is located just outside London. This studio is no stranger to epic productions like Harry Potter. With its state-of-the-art facilities, it can provide the backdrop for scenes demanding controlled environments.

Inside these hallowed halls, the magic of special effects transformed soundstages into some of Game of Thrones’ most memorable settings. Of course, you won’t find vast landscapes here. They are primarily stages and green screens, but the artistry and craftsmanship at Leavesden are just as impressive and integral to the world of Westeros.

Holyhead Bay, Cornwall

Holy Well beach in Cornwall
Holyhead Bay, Cornwall

Moving towards the coast, you will find Holyhead Bay in Cornwall. Its wild and rugged landscapes doubled as the storm-tossed Stormlands, home to House Baratheon. The sea crashing against the cliff faces perfectly encapsulates the tumultuous history of this mighty House.

If you are a Game of Thrones fan, you will love standing on the cliffs of Holyhead Bay and imagining the battles of the Baratheon clan. The waves fiercely crashing against the rocky cliffs add to the dramatic atmosphere of this historic spot, perfect for an Instagram post. You can practically feel the mist of the ocean on your skin as you gaze out into the vast sea, taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Holyhead Bay is also an excellent spot for hiking and exploring. The rugged terrain is perfect for adventurous souls who want to explore the untamed beauty of Cornwall.

St. Micheal’s Mount, Cornwall

St Michael's Mount in Marazion Cornwall
St Michael’s Mount in Marazion Cornwall

As a fan, visiting St. Michael’s Mount should be one of your dreams related to GoT. You will feel transported to Westeros when you set foot on the tidal island.

The castle on top of the island is truly breathtaking, and it’s no wonder it was chosen as the filming location for Dragonstone. The sea surrounding the island adds to the mystique, and you can’t help but imagine dragons soaring above you.

Aside from its Game of Thrones connection, St. Michael’s Mount is rich in history and culture. The island has been inhabited since the 8th century, and the castle has been around since the 12th century.

Frequently Asked Questions about Game of Thrones Filming Locations in the UK:

Where are the leading UK Filming locations for Game of Thrones?

The four central filming locations of the Game of Thrones in the UK are Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales.

Northern Ireland has been the leading production site for much of the series. Here, the hauntingly beautiful landscapes double as the backdrop for the Seven Kingdoms.

One of the castles used is Castle Ward in County Down. Since Ned Stark beheaded that deserter, Castle Ward has been synonymous with Winterfell. You will indeed find yourself right at home and maybe even on the lookout for dire wolves.

Another location in Northern Ireland is the Dark Hedges in County Antrim. Here, you can stroll down the iconic Kings Road, or as we know it, the Dark Hedges. With its serpentine array of beech trees, this natural wonder served as Arya’s escape route from King’s Landing.

Scotland, with its dramatic highlands and historic castles, offered an ideal landscape for the clashing and intrigue of Westeros.

While Northern Ireland is the home of Winterfell in the series, the original Winterfell scenes in the pilot were filmed at Doune Castle. Its stately presence was the perfect stand-in for the Stark family home.

In the heart of the UK, England also played a part in bringing the high drama of Westeros to life. Ballintoy Harbour was transformed into the rugged Iron Islands in the heart of the UK. It’s here where Theon Greyjoy returned home and where Euron was, well… being Euron.

Last but not least, the country of Wales, known for its rugged coastline and mountainous national parks, added a sense of magic and mystery to the series.

An old limestone quarry in Wales was transformed into Castle Black and the formidable Wall that protects the realm from whatever lurks beyond. The sheer scale of the quarry added to the Wall’s imposing presence.

Which castles in Northern Ireland were used in the show?

The Northern Ireland castle used in the show is the Castle Ward. It is an 18th-century National Trust property. With its unique mix of Gothic and Classical architecture, this castle was transformed into Winterfell, the ancestral home of House Stark. Here, fans can almost hear the whispers of the old Gods in the breeze or feel the frosty presence of the Wall looming in the distance.

Not too far from Castle Ward, you’ll find Inch Abbey. Although not a castle in the traditional sense, this ruined monastic site was digitally revamped to depict the ancient fortress of Riverrun. The Abbey’s crumbling beauty perfectly complements the transient nature of power in the riveting world of GoT.

Next is the magnificent Dunluce Castle, which provided the exterior for Greyjoy’s grim stronghold, Pyke. The ruin’s dramatic location and the wild sea crashing against the rocks below embody the Ironborn’s rugged spirit and their harsh, unforgiving culture.

Lastly, Shane’s Castle, an impressive 14th-century ruin, was used extensively for various scenes throughout the series. Although it’s not directly tied to a specific castle in the GoT narrative, its authentic medieval ambiance rendered it an ideal shooting location.

Where was the Wall from Game of Thrones filmed in the UK?

The primary filming location for the Wall’s exterior scenes was Magheramorne Quarry, located on the shores of Larne Lough in County Antrim. A former limestone quarry, Magheramorne provided the immense vertical ‘canvas’ required to portray the Wall’s daunting height. The use of CGI brought the colossal structure to life, but the raw, natural landscape of Magheramorne Quarry offered the grounding needed to make the spectacle believable.

For the internal sequences of Castle Black, the production crew built an impressive set adjacent to the quarry. Complete with functional lifts and a realistic courtyard, the collection perfectly embodied the austere lifestyle of the Night’s Watch.

The scenes north of the Wall were filmed at various locations across Iceland, but the iconic Wall itself? That’s a credit to the rugged beauty and desolation of Magheramorne Quarry in Northern Ireland.

Is there any Game of Thrones filming locations in Wales?

Yes, there are scenes from GoT that were filmed in Wales. The Brecon Beacons, a mountain range in South Wales, was utilized to portray the rugged wilderness of Westeros. The series tapped into the innate charm of these rolling hills and valleys, their windswept beauty providing the perfect backdrop for the roving characters and their fraught journeys.

Further, the Castle of Aberdour was the site of a Season 1 GoT episode. Its atmospheric medieval architecture presented an authentic setting for the series’ signature blend of intrigue and drama.

In the UK, where can I find Winterfell’s filming location?

Winterfell, the ancestral seat of House Stark, is arguably one of the most iconic locations in “Game of Thrones” (GoT). The expansive, snow-laden landscapes are images deeply ingrained in fans’ minds. With that, there is no way they would not look for its location. But where did the cast and crew set up their cameras within the confines of the UK to bring Winterfell to life?

If you’re a fervent GoT fan visiting the UK, prepare to set your GPS for Castle Ward, a historic farmyard in County Down, Northern Ireland. This beautiful 18th-century mansion, with its sprawling grounds and unique mix of architectural styles, served as the primary filming location for Winterfell.

An enchanting property with a mix of woods, gardens, and walking trails, Castle Ward was transformed into Stark’s stronghold for the series. The castle’s courtyard was used for many of the exterior shots of Winterfell, including scenes of the characters at archery practice and the backdrop for some of the series’ memorable exchanges.

And the transformation went beyond the physical realm. Avid viewers will recall the distinctive, atmospheric sounds that permeate Winterfell – the echoes of swords clashing, the eerie whispers of the wind, and the distant howling of the dire wolves. These audio cues were collected on-site, with the production team recording natural sounds to create Winterfell’s unique sonic identity.

Today, Castle Ward embraces its GoT legacy with open arms. The site offers a “Winterfell Experience” that invites visitors to immerse themselves in the world of Westeros. You can try archery in the courtyard where Jon Snow and Robb Stark trained or don a Stark cloak and stroll through the property, letting your imagination roam.

What are the popular Game of Thrones tours available in the UK?

The unforgettable saga of “Game of Thrones” (GoT) has left a lasting impression on pop culture, transforming our television screens and the landscapes where the series was filmed. As the credits rolled on the final episode, the curtains lifted on a different stage: the world of GoT tourism.

Here are some of the most popular GoT-themed tours in the UK from getyourguide.com:

First on our list is the “Game of Thrones & Giants Causeway Tour” in Northern Ireland. This tour covers a variety of filming locations, including the Dark Hedges (the King’s Road), Ballintoy Harbour (the Iron Islands), and Larrybane Quarry (Renly Baratheon’s camp). The journey culminates at the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Giant’s Causeway, which while not a filming location, is a breathtaking sight that’s worth the trip alone.

The tour boasts a day full of adventure without the troubles of navigation or driving – a perfect retreat for ardent fans. Engage in riveting behind-the-scenes trivia narrated by your guide as you travel from central Belfast, immersing yourself in the mystical world of Westeros.

Next, we have the “Game of Thrones Winterfell Locations from Dublin” in Castle Ward. A must-visit for any Stark enthusiast, this tour allows fans to explore Winterfell’s grounds on foot, by bike, or even by boat. It’s a delightful dive into the Stark stronghold. It also offers archery sessions in the courtyard where Jon Snow and Robb Stark showcased their skills.

Next, the “Game of Thrones Iron Islands and Giant’s Causeway Adventure” presents a thrilling expedition that takes you to the Iron Islands, Ballintoy Harbour, and other locations pivotal to Theon Greyjoy’s storyline. If you admire the rocky, wild coastline, this one’s for you. The tour also includes a trip to the Giant’s Causeway, letting you explore this geological marvel alongside your GoT journey.

Lastly, if you’re yearning for an exclusive and luxurious experience, opt for the Game of Thrones Private Luxury Tour from Belfast.” This tour, chauffeured in a luxury vehicle, takes you through several filming locations like Dark Hedges (the Kingsroad), Castle Ward (Winterfell), and Cushendun Caves (Melisandre’s Shadow Baby birthplace), among others. Your dedicated guide provides insider knowledge, enhancing your overall experience. Check How to Get From London to Belfast.

These are just a few immersive GoT tours available in the UK. Each offers a different perspective, a new way to engage with the places and narratives we’ve grown to love. So, you must pick your poison and enjoy the real-world Westeros in all its glory.

Other International Filming Locations:

As you can see, the UK undoubtedly provided the lion’s share of “Game of Thrones” (GoT) filming locations. However, the series also reached across the globe to create the rich tapestry of Westeros. Here are some of the countries that offer their landscapes and architecture to create some of the most visually striking locales in the GoT universe:


Almeria Alcazaba in Spain
Almeria Alcazaba in Spain

Spain’s diverse landscapes and historical buildings proved instrumental in bringing regions like Dorne and parts of Essos to life. Alcázar of Seville, a royal palace, doubled as the Water Gardens of Dorne, while the arid landscapes of Bardenas Reales served as the Dothraki Sea. The Romanesque bridge of Córdoba was transformed into the Long Bridge of Volantis, and the castellated walls of Almodóvar del Río Castle became the stronghold of House Tyrell in Highgarden.


Dubrovnik Cathedral
Dubrovnik Cathedral

Croatia’s coastal city, Dubrovnik, famously portrayed King’s Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. With its medieval fortifications, rustic red rooftops, and dazzling Adriatic backdrop, Dubrovnik was a perfect fit for the power center of Westeros. Meanwhile, Fort Lovrijenac played the role of the Red Keep, witnessing many a royal intrigue and power play.


Solheimajokull glacier hike in Iceland
Solheimajokull glacier hike in Iceland

Iceland’s untouched landscapes and glacial expanses created the perfect setting for scenes beyond the Wall. Locations such as Vatnajökull National Park and Lake Mývatn were used to depict the desolate lands inhabited by the Free Folk and the ominous White Walkers. The Grjótagjá cave, known for its thermal spring, was the romantic hideaway for Jon Snow and Ygritte.


Ben Yousaff Madrasa in Marrakech Morocco
Ben Yousaff Madrasa in Marrakech Morocco

Finally, Morocco, with its distinctive North African terrain, filled in for the arid landscapes of Essos. Aït Benhaddou, a fortified village, was transformed into Yunkai, the Yellow City. Essaouira, a port city, served as Astapor, home of the Unsullied.

I hope that inspired you to visit these Game of Thrones Filming locations in the UK and re-live the epic scenes of this beautiful and wildly popular series of our generation.

Best Game of Thrones Filming Locations in the UK pin
10 Best Game of Thrones Filming Locations in the UK


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Everything Zany Travel Blog exploring the UK and beyond. Sharing travel guides, tips, history, and culture. Our travel media brand is founded by travel and hotel industry expert – Ryazan Tristram, a Dual Citizen (British–Filipina) based in Birmingham, UK. Everything Zany is a reputable and award-winning travel blog. Our work and contributions have been featured in the Huffington Post, CNBC, Discovery Channel, GMA, Readers Digest, and Lonely Planet. Our mission is to build a great travel community and resource of travel tips, visas, and travel guides for travelers. Join us as we travel around the UK and beyond with a mission to share the best of the world.

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