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A Scenic Escape from the City

3 min read
A Scenic Escape from the City

There are some times when you just want to unwind and let go of daily life stress. The solution may be as simple as taking a day off to change scenery from everyday sights. Escape from London, Dublin or Edinburgh to enjoy some alone time by the river. If you are searching for one of such rivers, this list has quite a few to choose from. You may opt for the closest one to you or choose scenery over proximity. Here we go.

River Shimna

London may be the busiest city in the UK, but that does not mean those who live in other major cities do not wish to get away from city life once in a while. Locals can hop on a bus or train to County Down, but for tourists to get to the scenic river, they may need to book one of the guided Ireland tours with the spot in the package. Once you get there, all the trip and expenses become worth it.

River Shimna is never really crowded, making it an ideal relaxing spot, even during the busy vacation season. The serene river rises on the slopes of the Mourne Mountains, flowing over heather and granite before winding into the depths of Tollymore Forest. While the water is enough to steal your breath, the sight around it is so stunning you will almost be overwhelmed.

River Nevis

If you want to do some out-of-town vacationing, you can take a train from London to Glasgow to enjoy the sights of nightlife in the Scottish city. During the day, you can spend time away from most people by visiting the Water of Nevis in Highland. There is so much to see on this visit. From the roaring waters tumbling over the rocks to the high rugged mountains that have made their places in the record books, there is so much to adore about the whole area.

One of the most fascinating facts about River Nevis is An Steall, the second-highest waterfall in Britain, which flows into the river. Also known as Steal Falls or The White Spout, this waterfall plummets 120m from the slopes of An Gearanach, and its force of it will steal your breath away. You can take a drone flight up the Water of Nevis to Steall Falls. While at it, take a good picture of the mountains around. You will notice the bulk of Ben Nevis, which rises 1,344m above sea level, making it the highest point in the British Isles.

Water of Leith

This small river flows through Edinburgh from the Pertland Hills above the city down to the woods, mills, and villages. The river is home to 11 fish species, including salmon, lamprey, brown trout, and sea trout. If you visit early enough, you may be opportune to see the resident otters, which can be elusive. Even if you cannot see them, the beautiful sights of the daffodils by the river’s banks will compensate you enough for your trip.

Cuckmere River

Cuckmere River is among the most exciting and fun rivers in the UK. It stretches a little under 4 miles and descends over 100 meters. Despite its length, the river is a top spot as it is well-situated for those who want to engage in different activities. If you get tired of walking along the river and desire to do something more active, you can hike the slopes around it or get a canoe out to explore the river from atop it.

The UK is home to iconic rivers like Severn, Avon and Tyne, but their record lengths do not detract from other rivers’ appeal. There are many other scenic rivers perfect for enjoying the outside weather and letting go of the stress from your daily lifestyle. You can visit any of the rivers on this list to create a wonderful memory that will stay with you for a long time.

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