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Best Backpacking Tips To Travel In Canada

Best Backpacking Tips To Travel In Canada

Oh, Canada! What a wonderful place it is filled with beautiful nature, so it’s no wonder that this stunning country is a top location for backpackers worldwide. Whether you’re a local or visiting, new to backpacking or an absolute pro, we’d still recommend that you keep the below tips and tricks in mind as you prepare for the journey of your life.

What to Pack for Backpacking in Canada

One of the first things you should think of when it comes to this kind of trip is what to pack for backpacking in Canada. You want to keep it light enough that it’s not too cumbersome without missing out on any important items. Which is why we prepared this list of the essential items you should consider bringing along:

Devices – this is an absolute must for when you’re resting in between locations or at night. For instance, if you’re a casino player, which is an extremely popular activity that is on the rise in Canada, you might think you’ll have to miss out on playing.

However, if you are itching to play online casino games in Canada, you can still access them by using your phone’s browser, but you might need to use VPN as some websites are geoblocked. Being in nature doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the same things you would usually do, just in a better setting.

Alternatively, you can use it to snap some phenomenal insta-worthy pics, or at the very least use it for navigation purposes. As wonderful as being in nature is, getting lost is not so great. And don’t forget to pack a few portable chargers, preferably solar-powered ones, as you won’t have access to electricity most of the time.

Appropriate clothes – one thing Canada is well renowned for is its cold climate. However, in summer, depending on your location, you will experience a much more manageable temperature. Regardless, layering is essential in Canada since the weather can quickly change here. Make sure to pack lightweight and breathable clothes that can be easily layered, including a waterproof jacket, warm sweaters, comfortable pants and shoes.

This way, you’ll be ready for any surprises that might pop up weather-wise. Even though weather apps are fairly reliable, it’s always better to be prepared.

Camping gear – this might seem obvious if you’re planning to camp out in nature whilst backpacking. So make sure to have the typical camping essentials like a tent, sleeping bag, a camping stove along with cooking utensils, food, and a water filtration system. Of course, if you’re preparing to go to a glamping destination or even a hotel, you won’t need this.

Personal care – while this may not seem as important as the above, you’ll definitely be unhappy if you forget them. Make sure to pack a multi-purpose soap or gel, insect repellent and big bite treatments, hand sanitizers and wet wipes. You should also pack sunscreen, even in winter.

All of the above is not an extensive list, just some basics you should not go backpacking without. You will need to adjust this and add more or less depending on the activities, such as hiking or skiing, you decide to go for and the time of year along with location.

Tips for Backpacking in Canada

If you think that packing is all you should plan in advance, we have to unfortunately dash your hopes. When it comes to such pursuits, there is much more to be done.

So, as we’ve hinted above, it is important to do thorough research and plan ahead. Make sure to take the time to learn all you should know about the locations you’re planning to visit, the typical weather conditions, and even the transportation options available should you decide to end your backpacking journey a bit earlier. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Next, you should always familiarize yourself with the safety guidelines. Research the possible wildlife you might encounter, as one of Canada’s biggest attractions can quickly become your biggest danger. Make sure to be responsible and respectful by not leaving any trace of your camp behind and avoiding dangerous spots.

You should also consider the possible natural hazards, such as rivers with strong currents or dangerous muddy trails that could cause you to painfully fall. After all, safety should always be of top importance.

On a more positive note, a great tip you should implement is to talk to fellow backpackers or locals you might encounter. They might even provide you with some info on hidden gems that a standard guidebook or Google search might not tell you about. Plus, it’s always nice to have moments when you can socialize, especially if you’re on a solo trip.


Honestly speaking, these tips are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to backpacking in the Great White North, but they’re a great place to start with. Regardless of how you go about it, it will surely be an experience of a lifetime, even if it might put you out of your comfort zone. So if you’re ready and prepared, you should certainly go for it!

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