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One Of The Most Expensive Coffees From Indonesia

13 min read
One Of The Most Expensive Coffees From Indonesia

Are you wondering what is Kopi Luwak? Popularly known as Civet Coffee or Cat poop coffee. A visit to Indonesia won’t be complete without trying this. I would like to share with you the process and what is Kopi Luwak.

Kopi Luwak, also known as Civet Coffee, is one of the most expensive and unique coffees originating from Indonesia. This coffee has captivated the taste buds of coffee connoisseurs worldwide with its distinct flavor, fascinating production process, and exclusivity.

In this blog, you will delve into the world of civet coffee, exploring its history, taste profile, ethical considerations, brewing techniques, and health benefits. You will also learn how and where to find authentic civet coffee and the differences between this rare beverage and regular coffee. Read on to learn more about this fascinating coffee.

Read more: List of the 6 Best Coffee in the World (Different Types of Coffee)


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What is civet coffee?

Kopi Luwak Civet Coffee in Bali Indonesia
Kopi Luwak / Civet Coffee in Bali Indonesia

Civet coffee is a type of coffee made from beans that have been consumed and excreted by the Asian palm civet, a small mammal native to Indonesia. The civet is known to eat coffee cherries, digest the pulp, and then excrete the beans. These beans are collected from the civet’s feces, cleaned, and roasted to create the exclusive brew known as civet coffee.

Now you might ask, “Why would anyone be interested in consuming coffee made from beans that have passed through an animal’s digestive system?” The key to understanding the appeal of civet coffee lies in the substances or enzymes present in the civet’s stomach.

As the beans pass through the digestive tract, these enzymes break down the proteins in the coffee beans which results in a smoother, less acidic, and more nuanced flavor profile. Basically, the civet’s digestive process acts as a natural fermentation system that the taste of the beans.

The rarity and labor-intensive production process contribute to the high price of civet coffee which will be discussed in the latter part of the blog. For now, just know that collecting the beans is a painstaking task!

How is civet coffee made?

Asian Palm Civet Cat
Asian Palm Civet Cat in Bali, Indonesia

The process of making civet coffee begins with the Asian palm civet, which loves coffee cherries. As the civets roam the forests, they eat ripe cherries from coffee plants. The cherries then pass through the animal’s digestive system, during which the pulp is digested, leaving the beans intact. As the beans move through the digestive tract, they are exposed to enzymes that alter their protein structure, resulting in a smoother, less bitter coffee.

After the beans have been excreted by the civet, local workers must find and collect the droppings. This is a very hard process because the beans are scattered throughout the forest floor, and they must be carefully handpicked. Once collected, the beans are cleaned thoroughly to remove any remnants of the civet’s digestive process.

Civet Cat Droppings Coffee Beans
Civet Cat Droppings Coffee Beans

With the beans cleaned, the next step in the production of civet coffee is drying them under the sun. This process can take several days and requires constant monitoring to ensure optimal moisture content. After the beans have been dried, they are sorted, with only the highest quality beans selected for further processing.

The selected beans are then roasted which is a very crucial step in developing the coffee’s distinct flavor profile. The roasting process typically involves controlled temperatures and durations to bring out the desired flavors and aromas unique to civet coffee. Finally, the roasted beans are packaged and distributed, ready to be brewed, and enjoyed by coffee enthusiasts across the globe.

Why is civet coffee so expensive?

The high price of civet coffee can be attributed to its rarity, labor-intensive production process, strict quality control, unique flavor profile, and ethical considerations.

  • Rarity: The unique production method that relies on wild civets consuming coffee cherries, results in a limited supply of beans. Unlike other types of coffee, which can be cultivated and harvested in large quantities, civet coffee is subject to the unpredictable habits of the civets and the availability of coffee cherries in their natural habitat.
  • Labor-intensive production: The production process of civet coffee is both very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Workers must search through vast forested areas to locate and collect the civet droppings containing the beans. This process can be challenging and requires a significant amount of time and effort.
  • Quality control: Due to the exclusive nature of civet coffee, quality control measures are implemented throughout the production process. Only the best beans are selected for further processing, ensuring that the final product is of the highest quality. This selection process, coupled with the labor-intensive production, contributes to the coffee’s high cost.
  • Unique flavor profile: The enzymes in the civet’s digestive system impart a distinct flavor profile to the beans, resulting in a smoother, less bitter coffee. This unique characteristic is highly sought after by coffee connoisseurs which further increases the demand and price of civet coffee.

What does civet coffee taste like?

Civet Coffee Kopi Luwak with from Indonesia
Civet Coffee / Kopi Luwak with from Indonesia

Civet coffee’s taste is often described as smooth and full-bodied, with a notable lack of bitterness. The enzymes in the civet’s digestive system break down the proteins in the coffee beans, which are responsible for some of the bitterness associated with coffee. As a result, civet coffee offers a more mellow and rounded flavor experience.

In terms of specific tasting notes, civet coffee can exhibit a range of flavors, depending on factors such as the coffee plant variety, the location where the beans were sourced, and the roasting process. Some of the common descriptors are: earthy, nutty, and chocolatey notes. Others said that there were hints of caramel or even tropical fruit.

The aroma of civet coffee is also worth mentioning, as it is part of the overall tasting experience. The beans’ unique processing method contributes to a complex and captivating fragrance. A subtle sweetness and a hint of floral or fruity undertones often characterize it.

Remember: The taste of civet coffee can vary based on factors such as bean quality, brewing method, and personal preferences. Thus, it is recommended that those looking to indulge in civet coffee take the time to experiment with different brewing methods to find the ideal balance of flavors that suit their palate.

Is civet coffee ethical and sustainable?

With its growing popularity and the high price it commands, concerns have arisen regarding the welfare of civets and the environmental impact of civet coffee production. Here are some of the concerns and steps to ensure responsible consumption.

  • Animal welfare concerns: The increased demand for civet coffee has led some producers to adopt intensive farming practices, where civets are confined in small cages and force-fed coffee cherries. This method is not only unnatural for the civets but also raises significant animal welfare concerns. Ethical civet coffee production should focus on sourcing beans from wild civets or implementing humane, cage-free farming practices that allow the animals to roam freely and consume cherries at their leisure.
  • Environmental impact: Deforestation, habitat destruction, and the overharvesting of coffee cherries can negatively impact both the civet population and the overall ecosystem. If they want a sustainable production of Civet coffee, they should prioritize preserving the natural habitat of civets and maintaining a balanced ecosystem to ensure the long-term viability of this unique coffee.
  • Supporting local communities: Like any other luxury product, the high price of civet coffee can result in a disparity between the profits enjoyed by distributors and the income received by the workers who collect and process the beans. Ensuring fair wages and supporting local communities involved in civet coffee production can contribute to a more equitable and ethical industry.
  • Certification and transparency: One way to promote ethical and sustainable civet coffee production is through certification programs that verify the welfare of civets, environmentally friendly practices, and fair labor conditions.

Consumers can look for certified civet coffee to ensure they are supporting responsible producers. Additionally, transparency in the supply chain can help consumers make informed choices when purchasing civet coffee.

What is the history of civet coffee?

The history of civet coffee can be traced back to the 18th century during the Dutch colonial era in Indonesia. At the time, Indonesia was a major producer of coffee under Dutch control, with the beans being grown and harvested and then sent to Europe. Local farmers and plantation workers were prohibited from consuming the coffee they cultivated, as the Dutch sought to maximize their profits from the valuable crop.

Resourceful locals, however, discovered that the Asian palm civets roaming the plantations were consuming coffee cherries and leaving the beans intact in their droppings. Curious to taste the coffee, the workers began to collect, clean, and roast the beans found in the civet feces. They soon discovered that the civet’s digestive process resulted in a unique, smooth-tasting coffee that was less bitter than the traditional varieties.

Word of this unusual coffee spread, and it wasn’t long before the Dutch colonizers themselves began to take an interest in the beverage. They found that the unique flavor profile of civet coffee was highly desirable and started to export it to Europe, where it quickly gained popularity among the elite as a rare and exotic luxury item.

Over time, the popularity of civet coffee continued to grow, and it became known as one of the most expensive and exclusive coffees in the world. Today, civet coffee is sought after by coffee connoisseurs worldwide, who are willing to pay a premium for its unique taste and the extraordinary story behind its production.

Read more: Best Tasty Coffee Drinks for Non Coffee Drinkers

How do I brew civet coffee at home?

Here are the steps on how to brew Civet coffee at home. You can adjust the variables to suit your taste preferences. Feel free to also experiment with different brewing methods, water temperatures, and coffee-to-water ratios to discover your ideal cup of this exquisite beverage.

  1. Measure and grind the beans: As with any coffee, using the right amount of beans is crucial for achieving the desired flavor intensity. A general guideline is to use approximately 10 grams of coffee beans for every 180 mL of water. Then, grind the civet coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency, similar to granulated sugar.
  1. Heat the water: The water temperature is also an essential factor when brewing coffee. Aim for a temperature of around 90-96°C (195-205°F) to ensure optimal extraction. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can bring the water to a boil and then let it cool for about 30 seconds before using it.
  1. Choose your brewing method: Civet coffee can be brewed using various methods, such as drip, pour-over, French press, or AeroPress. Each method has its own unique characteristics, so you may want to experiment to find the one that best suits your taste preferences.
  1. Pour-over method (example): Place a paper filter in a pour-over dripper and rinse it with hot water to remove any paper taste and warm the dripper. Discard the rinse water. Add the ground civet coffee to the filter and gently tap the dripper to level the coffee bed.
  1. Bloom the coffee: Blooming refers to the release of carbon dioxide from the coffee grounds, which can affect the taste if not properly managed. What you have to do is to slowly pour about 60 mL of hot water over the coffee grounds, ensuring that they are evenly saturated. Allow the coffee to bloom for about 30 seconds.
  1. Continue pouring: After the bloom, continue pouring the hot water in a slow, circular motion. Your goal is to finish pouring the remaining water within 3-4 minutes, depending on the desired strength of your coffee.
  1. Allow the coffee to finish dripping: Once you have poured the water, let the coffee finish dripping through the filter. Remove the dripper and dispose of the spent grounds and filter.
  1. Enjoy your civet coffee: Pour the freshly brewed civet coffee into a cup.

Where can I buy authentic civet coffee?

Sustainable Kopi Luwak Agrotourism farm
Sustainable Kopi Luwak Agrotourism farm

Finding authentic civet coffee requires careful research and attention to factors such as certification, origin, traceability, and price. Here are some important things that you should know.

  • Specialty coffee shops and roasters: Local specialty coffee shops and roasters can be a reliable source for authentic civet coffee. These establishments often have direct relationships with coffee producers and are committed to providing high-quality, ethically sourced beans.
  • Online retailers: Numerous online retailers offer civet coffee beans for purchase. When buying online, it is essential to do thorough research and choose a reputable seller with a proven track record for delivering genuine, high-quality civet coffee.
  • Certification and labeling: To ensure that you are purchasing authentic and ethically produced civet coffee, look for beans that carry a certification or labeling from a recognized organization. These certifications can provide assurance that the beans have been sourced from wild civets or cage-free farms and adhere to sustainable and humane production practices.
  • Origin and traceability: Authentic civet coffee should come from Indonesia or other Southeast Asian countries where the Asian palm civet is native. A transparent supply chain, with information about the coffee’s journey from the plantation to your cup, can be an indicator of a trustworthy seller.
  • Price: Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true. Extremely low prices may be a red flag for counterfeit or low-quality civet coffee. Authentic civet coffee is a luxury item, and its price should reflect the rarity and unique production process.

What are the health benefits of civet coffee?

Civet coffee shares many of the health benefits commonly attributed to regular coffee. It also boasts some unique properties due to its distinctive production process. Here are some of the health benefits of Civet coffee.

  • Antioxidants: Civet coffee is a rich source of antioxidants that help protect our bodies against free radicals and oxidative stress. Consuming antioxidant-rich beverages such as civet coffee may contribute to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancer.
  • Lower acidity: Civet coffee has a lower acidity compared to other coffee types. Civet coffee might be a more suitable alternative for individuals who experience stomach discomfort or acid reflux from regular coffee.
  • Improved mental alertness: Civet coffee contains caffeine. It boosts mental alertness and cognitive function. Moderate caffeine consumption has been linked to enhanced memory, focus, and reaction times, making civet coffee a potential contributor to improved mental performance.
  • Potential weight management benefits: Some studies suggest that caffeine plays a role in weight management by increasing energy expenditure and promoting fat oxidation.

What is the difference between civet coffee and regular coffee?

Arabica Coffee Fruit
Arabica Coffee Fruit

Civet coffee and regular coffee differ in several key aspects, including their production processes, taste profiles, price points, and availability. While civet coffee offers a unique, luxury experience for coffee enthusiasts, regular coffee provides a more accessible and diverse range of flavors to suit various preferences and budgets. Here are the key differences between civet coffee and regular coffee:

  1. Production process: Regular coffee beans are harvested directly from the coffee cherries. On the other hand, civet coffee beans are collected from the feces of the Asian palm civet. The civet’s digestive enzymes break down the cherries’ pulp, leaving the beans intact and imbuing them with a distinct flavor profile.
  1. Taste: Due to the unique production process, civet coffee is known for its smooth, less acidic taste compared to regular coffee. The fermentation that occurs during digestion imparts a subtle, nuanced flavor to the beans, which many coffee connoisseurs describe as earthy, rich, and complex. On the other hand, regular coffee exhibits a wider range of flavors depending on the origin, processing method, and roast level, with some varieties being more acidic or bitter than civet coffee.
  1. Price: Another key difference between civet coffee and regular coffee is the price. As one of the most expensive coffees in the world, civet coffee commands a premium price due to its rarity, labor-intensive production process, and unique flavor profile. In contrast, regular coffee is generally more affordable and accessible, with prices varying depending on factors such as bean quality, origin, and market conditions.
  1. Availability: While regular coffee is widely available in supermarkets, coffee shops, and online retailers, civet coffee is relatively rare and can be more challenging to find. Specialty coffee shops, roasters, and select online retailers may carry authentic civet coffee, but it is essential to research the source to ensure you are purchasing genuine, ethically produced beans.
Kopi Luwak Civet Coffee One of the Most Expensive Coffees from Indonesia pin
Kopi Luwak / Civet Coffee: One of the Most Expensive Coffees from Indonesia


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