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Top tips for planning a holiday with a baby – from parents who’ve done it all before

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Top tips for planning a holiday with a baby – from parents who’ve done it all before

Top tips for planning a holiday with a baby from parents who’ve done it all before – including why not to overpack nappies and the best flight times for families

A smiling baby wearing goggles has a great time in a swimming pool sitting in an inflatable ring
Going on holdiay with a baby can be daunting – but there are simple tricks to make life easier

Holidays come with a fair bit of planning – and if it’s the first time you’re going abroad with your baby, it’s totally normal for it to feel like a daunting task.

However, help is at hand courtesy of parents who’ve done it all before.

Parents Paula and Matt, and mum Moon Hough, all regularly travel with their kids, and they’ve now shared their top tips for baby-friendly holidays with travel strollers company Micralite.

From packing advice (and why you should avoid overpacking nappies) to choosing flight times that won’t disrupt your little one’s sleep schedule, they’ve got you covered.

Check out the tips they’ve shared below…

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Manage your expectations

Travelling with a baby for the first time will take some adjusting. Paul and Matt recommend “slow travelling” to enjoy your destination, for example by planning to visit one place every day, and scheduling in some downtime or playtime with your baby.

Babies can be unpredictable, so just be prepared to adapt, whether that means changing plans or cancelling something entirely.

Do your research

Ahead of your holiday, take some time to plan where you’ll want to visit. Paul and Matt suggest that you avoid trying to overdo it by cramming loads into one day – instead, spread activities out throughout the time you are there.

Moon also advises that if you can, “stay in a place longer to ensure you can do everything you want”. That extra time could make all the difference if there’s an unexpected tantrum or you decide you want a bit of extra downtime.

Think about your accommodation

Make sure that you choose the right accommodation



Paul and Matt suggest that an Airbnb or holiday home could be easier than hotels, because they often have more amenities that can be handy such as a washing machine or kitchen appliances.

Meanwhile Moon recommends getting in touch with your accommodation provider ahead of time – find out what’s already available so you’re not packing loads of extras unnecessarily.

Don’t overpack nappies

Make sure you have enough nappies for at least three days’ worth – and then you can head to a local supermarket and buy some more to help you avoid overpacking. Of course if you are heading somewhere remote or you’re not sure if there are shops nearby, it’s worth adding a few more – or get in touch with your accommodation to find out what is available in the area.

Stick to your baby’s sleep routine where possible

Sticking to a sleep routine can make all the difference


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Flying around sleep times could make all the difference, especially if it increases the chances of your baby sleeping during the flight.

As for that dreaded ear popping, Paul and Matt suggest packing something for your baby to suck or chew on – or you can also massage their ears and side of the head for extra comfort.

One thing all parents agreed on; keep sleep routines the same as you do at home. Moon says: “Even if it is hard or you don’t want to miss out on something, learn to love this new (kid-friendly!) type of travel”.

Check the weather

Make sure they’re dressed for the weather



Going somewhere hot and sunny? You’ll want to keep your baby at a safe temperature and protected from the sunshine.

Moon advises that you try and keep your baby cool and covered in the shade – a sunhat and plenty of water are also a must. Paula and Matt add that you should try to “avoid being in the sun completely during the highest sun hours and sun cream (preferably 50+) should be applied every half hour to an hour”.

For cold destinations, you’ll want to pack lots of appropriate layers – a snowsuit, waterproof boots and gloves are essential if you’re off somewhere snowy.

As a general rule of thumb, Paul and Matt advise that your baby “should always have at least one more layer than yourself”.

Have you got any great tips for fellow parents travelling with a baby? Let us know in the comments below.

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