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UK Scale UP Visa, Easiest Way to the UK

9 min read
UK Scale UP Visa, Easiest Way to the UK
uk scale up visa

The United Kingdom (UK) has launched a new work visa known as the Scale Up visa. The Scale Up work visa is a special kind of work visa targeted at foreign or international professionals from all around the world.

The United Kingdom (UK) has launched a new work visa known as the Scale Up visa. The Scale Up work visa is a special kind of work visa targeted at foreign or international professionals from all around the world.

What is Scale Up Visa?

Scale Up Visa is a new immigrant visa that allows highly skilled professionals to work and study in the UK.
Scale up is a new UK immigration visa that was introduced to encourage the best professionals from around the world to work in the UK. It is for highly skilled professionals with a high level of education, competence and experience. It is targeted at professionals like engineers, scientists, programmers, architects and other skilled professionals.

Apply for UK Visa

What is a Scale Up Business?

A Scale Up business in the UK is a business that has experienced over 20% growth or more for a minimum of 3 years. In addition, the company should have a minimum of 10 employees and must have been in existence for over 3 years. That is companies that experience rapid growth rates in the UK. In the UK, Scale Up businesses are known to contribute over 1 trillion pounds to the United Kingdom economy yearly. Any business that falls into this category is eligible to sponsor professionals and highly skilled talents to the United Kingdom through the UK Scale Up visa program. There are over 33,000 companies that qualify to employ applicants under the Scale Up visa in the UK.

uk scale up visa

Also Read: How to Apply for UK Study Visa

Who Is Eligible for Scale Up Visa

Scale Up visa is a point-based system, you need at least 70 points to qualify for the visa.
If you live in a country that is eligible
If you are a skilled professional within the eligible category

Scale Up Visa Launch Date

The UK Scale Up visa kicked off on 22nd August 2022 to help growing businesses in the UK attract the right professionals, help improve productivity and improve the United Kingdom economy.

Minimum Salary for Scale Up Visa

The minimum salary for a Scale Up visa applicant should be a minimum of 33,000 pounds per year. This is equivalent to 10.10 per hour.

How to Apply for a Certificate of Sponsorship

To qualify for a Scale Up visa, you must have gotten employment from a qualified UK company. The company will provide the Certificate of sponsorship. The company must have been authorized by the UK Home Office to sponsor a Scale Up worker.

  • The Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) must have the following information
  • Your name
  • Job Role
  • Salary expectation
  • Start date not more than 3 months after your application
  • A reference number
  • Company qualification/Job role
  • The Company must be A rated by the Home Office register of a licensed sponsor.
the united kingdom

Why the UK Scale UP Visa

These are some of the reasons why the UK set up the Scaled Up visa

  • Help businesses Source Qualified Professionals
  • Attract the Right Talent
  • Improve Businesses
  • Increase productivity
  • Improve the economy
  • Make Businesses More Innovative
  • Make the UK a talent Hub
  • Drive International Competitiveness
  • make businesses more competitive

Eligibility for Scale Up Visa

To qualify for a Scale Up visa, you must meet some criteria. These criteria are the minimum requirement to obtain the UK Scale Up work visa. It is a point-based system. These are the eligibility for a Scale Up visa in the UK.

  1. A job offer from the United Kingdom.
  2. Obtain a Certificate of Sponsorship from a UK employer.
  3. A Job Offer must be on the Eligibility list.
  4. The Job must receive the minimum Salary of £33,000.
  5. An English Language proficiency.
  6. Have a minimum of at least £1,270 in your account for at least 28 days.
  7. Be at least 18 years old at the time of applying.
workers in the UK

Dependents of Scale Up Visa Application

A Scale Up applicant can travel with their spouses and children. Your spouse and children are the dependents. Dependents of a Scale Up visa applicants can school, work or live in the UK. A partner of a Scale Up visa applicant who is 18 years or above. Also, the children of the applicant should be below 18 years of age at the time of application. Children above 18 years are not eligible.
For proof of funds, you will need to provide an additional fund for each dependent. You will need an extra £285 for your partner £315 for the first child and £200 for each child.

Why The Scale Up Visa

Since Brexit, the UK has been introducing some work visas targeted at attracting professionals from all over the world. This is due to the shortage of business professionals in the UK. This will make businesses more effective as they can now employ top talents from all around the world. This is not the first special work visa that the UK will be introducing. There are other programs like the UK Skilled worker and the health care visa.

The Scale Up visa is also introduced to make the United Kingdom a Global Innovative hub by 2035. This is to put the UK in the global rank of technology.
Also, due to the impact of covid 19, which affected many industries, the Scale Up visa will help the Uk economy to expand and also encourage businesses to boom due to the presence of foreign professionals.

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How to Prove your English Proficiency

Proving your English proficiency is one of the requirements to show that you can read, write and understands the English language. There are many ways to prove your English language proficiency. English proficiency will be based on four parameters like Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. These are some ways to prove your English proficiency.

  1. If you are born in a country where the English Language is the native language.
  2. NARIC
  3. IELTS
  4. Have a master’s degree in any top-rated foreign institution including the UK.
  5. Have a GCSE or A Level equivalent.
  6. Pass the Secure English Language test (SELT).

UK Scale Up Visa Requirements / Documents Needed for Applying for the UK Scale UP work Visa

These are the following documents that are needed for UK Scale Up visa.
International Passport: You need an international passport with a minimum validity of six months.
Passport Photograph: You should also provide a passport photograph that is less than 6 months.
Certificate of Sponsorship: You must also obtain a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) from the company in the UK.
Proof of English proficiency: You must also provide proof of English proficiency to show that you understand the English language.
TB Certificate: You must also provide a Tuberculosis Test certificate from a trusted centre approved by the UK.
Employment Letter: You must have gotten an employment letter from a UK Company.
28 Days Account Statement: You also need to provide a twenty-eight days statement of account.

Other Documents needed for Scale Up Visa

Marriage Certificate: If you are applying with your spouse, you must also provide a marriage certificate in addition to the document you have already submitted.
Birth Certificate: If you are applying with your kids, you need to provide their birth certificates or signed affidavits.

The Validity of the UK Scale UP Visa

The UK Scale Up visa is valid for 2 years. After 2 years you can renew or extend your visa by 3 years. After 5 years of staying in the UK, you can apply for Indefinite Leave to remain.

When Can You Apply

You can apply for the visa at any time. It is always better to start immediately. Once you get a job offer, you can apply for Scale UP Visa at least 3 months before the start of your new job. It is often better to start the application early enough.

uk scale up visa

Cost of the UK Scale Up Visa Application

The cost of the UK Scale Up visa is £715, this will be paid by all applicants and dependents that are applying to the UK.

Pay Health Surcharge £624. In addition, you will also be made to pay the healthcare surcharge which is a compulsory payment for all applicants staying in the UK for more than 6 months.

Provide proof of fund: You are also required to provide proof of fund of at least £1,270 which must be in your account for 28 days.

If you are applying with your family, you will need to provide an additional fund for each dependent. You will need an extra £285 for your partner £315 for the first child and £200 for other children.

UK Scale Up Companies / Businesses Listed Under The Scale Up Visa

These are the categories of businesses under the Uk Scale Up visa program:

  • Tech
  • Industrial
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Science
  • Medical
  • Small Enterprises
  • Financial Services
  • Legal Services
  • Health care services
uk workers

UK Scale Up Visa Jobs

These are sites where you can apply for a Scale Up visa job in the UK.

Scale Up Visa Sponsor List

If you are looking for scale Up Visa sponsor lists. You can check out the UK website www.gov.uk for a list of companies that qualifies.

Difference Between Scale UP and Skilled

Scale Up is targeted At High Skilled Individuals while Skilled worker is for Skilled Workers.
Scale up allows you to leave your employer after 6 months but with the skilled worker, you are tied to a particular employer for at least 3 years.

Medical requirement for UK Scale Up Visa

These are some of the medical requirements for the scale-up visa:

  1. Tuberculosis test
  2. Other medical requirements in your home country

The problem with getting a work visa before now in the UK is you require a lot of certification, skills or foreign education,

The United kingdom

What You Are Eligible For

What you are not Eligible for

  1. You don’t have access to public funds
  2. You can’t leave the sponsor company within six months of arrival.

How to Apply for Scale Up Visa

These are the step-by-step method for applying for the visa

  • Visit the Official website of the UK government gov.uk
  • Apply Online and click on the Work in The UK to apply for the Scale Up
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Pay the Visa fee
  • Book An Appointment with the Visa Processing Centre
  • Submit Your Documents / Go for biometrics

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Q. Can my Scaled Up Visa Application be denied?
A. Yes If the home office suspects that the job offer is not genuine.

Q. Can I travel with my family?
A. Yes, you can apply with your family member.

Q. When can I apply for Scale Up visa?
A. You can apply now, applications are now available for skilled professionals from all over the world.

Q. How do I Know If I qualify for scale Up work visa?
A. Kindly check the list to see if you qualify.

Need Help With Uk Visa Application and Early Appointment Date? Kindly contact Travelwaka  

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