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What to pack for a beach vacation

4 min read
What to pack for a beach vacation

If the ocean waves are calling you as soon as temperatures start to rise, now is the time to head to the beach. Whether you’re going for the weekend or several weeks, solo or with a big family, there are a few things you won’t want to leave at home. Here’s everything you need to pack for a beach vacation to stay healthy, comfortable, stylish, and make the most of your OOO time. 

Avoiding sunburn should be priority number one if you’re spending the day at the beach. And a spacious umbrella is a great way to shield yourself from the rays and stay cool on a hot day. This 6.5-foot shade comes with a sturdy stand so it won’t blow away. It also articulates so you can produce shade no matter where the sun goes in the sky. 


Of course, no list of beach vacation must-haves would be complete without proper SPF. Apply this 30-SPF body cream (which offers better coverage than sprays) liberally and regularly to prevent sunburn. For your face, try something gentler and non-greasy like Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen, which also makes a great primer under makeup. 

A cooler

Keep drinks, snacks, and lunch cold for hours with this super heavy-duty but soft-sided cooler from Yeti. It has a long carrying strap that’s comfortable for travel and can keep 26 cans cool and protected from UV rays all day long. 


Avoid squinting all day long with the right sunglasses. These Tifosi shades are practical for a beach vacation because they’re sporty and durable enough to wear in the ocean, but stylish enough for a stroll through town. 


Don’t go on vacation without a stash of your favorite nibbles. If you’re headed to the beach, you’ll want something that’s not too messy and doesn’t require extra utensils. Bars like Nick’s Keto Snack Bars for something sweet or crunchy savory Bear Bars are easy to toss in a tote and don’t need refrigeration. 

A bathing suit (or two)

Don’t head to the beach without your swimsuit! For women, Summersalt makes comfortable and sustainable suits for all body types, such as this cute one-shoulder one-piece. Chubbies sells fun and flashy trunks in every pattern and color you can imagine. Try these 5.5-inch dinosaur print shorts to stand out in the surf.

Beach games

If you’re planning on spending hours on the beach, you’ll want something more than the waves to keep you entertained. Pack some games like Spikeball, badminton, paddle ball, or corn hole, and you may just make some new friends on the sand. 

A good book

Speaking of staying entertained, keep yourself engaged with a thrilling beach read. For something to put you in the summertime mood, try “People We Meet on Vacation” by Emily Henry Or, for an engrossing mystery, pick up “Lucy Foley’s The Guest List.” 

A hat

When you’re away from the umbrella, keep your face out of the sun’s harmful rays with a wide-brimmed hat. This floppy-brimmed straw hat is ultra-flattering, not to mention protective. Of course, bucket hats are also back with a vengeance these days and you can’t go wrong with an adorable reversible cap


While you’ll probably be going shoeless as much as possible on the beach, sandals are a must-have to slip on between the sand and your car. Birkenstocks are great unisex slides that never go out of style. 

Beach chairs

Come prepared with chairs that you can lounge in for hours. This Ostrich Deluxe Padded Beach Chair is the ultimate luxury on the beach. It comes in five colors and has integrated lumbar and neck support, plus a cup holder so you’ll barely have to move. 


Whether you’re all about the ocean or just want to get an even tan, you’ll need the right towel for drying or lying. These striped oversized beach towels have a thick plush texture for the coziest post-swim dry-off. 

Beach bag

ALOHA Collection



Stow everything in one easy-to-access bag. A great beach bag is not just big enough for all of your gear, it’s also easy to clean (hello, sand!) and comfortable to carry, because who knows how good of a parking spot you’ll be able to snag? This tote from Aloha has a zipper to keep things from tumbling out and a tight seal to keep sand and water out. 


Theodore Magnus



If your efforts to reapply and stay out of the sun fail, it’s better to have a supply of after-sun care on hand. Pack a bottle of organic aloe vera gel to slather on sore skin after a day in the sun. 

A swim cover-up

Between splashes in the waves, throw on a breezy cover-up. This shirtdress-style cover-up is light and airy, but cute enough to wear into town. 

Beach toys

If you’re bringing little ones along for your beach vacation, bring a set of supplies for sand castle building, hole digging, and seashell searching. This 18-piece kit from Click N’ Play comes with a mesh bag to keep everything together and includes buckets, shoves, a water can, and animal shapes. 

Beach floats

Relax in the water with your own fun floats. These inflatable body boards are durable enough for the waves and will have kids and adults alike having a blast. They come in seven colors so each member of your group can grab their own board. If something less active is more your style in the water, you can try these fabric hammock-style floats

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