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Thomas Kingston’s cause of death revealed as Prince William continues engagements

36 min read
Thomas Kingston’s cause of death revealed as Prince William continues engagements

Table of Contents

Thomas Kingston, Lady Gabriella Kingston’s husband, died from a “traumatic head wound”.

A gun was found near his body in an outbuilding at his parent’s home in the Cotswolds, an inquest heard. Mr Kingston was visiting his parents’ home in the Cotswolds on 25 February and had lunch but later he could not be found by his mother.

Mr Kingston’s father then forced entry to a locked-out building when there was no reply, and found his son inside.

It comes as a friend of Sarah Ferguson said that a further surgery following her skin cancer diagnosis found that the area around the mole and lymph nodes are “free of cancer”.

It is “good news” and a “huge relief for Sarah”, the friend told the Daily Mail, as doctors are still reluctant to use the term cancer free.

Earlier, Kensington Palace responded to concerns regarding the Princess of Waleshealth as Prince William returned to work two days after a memorial service for his godfather.

Key points

  • Thomas Kingston died of ‘traumatic head wound’ as gun found nearby

  • Kate Middleton is ‘doing well’ after surgery, reveals Kensington Palace

  • Thomas Kingston was ‘happy and positive’ at event just days before shock death

  • Royal family in mourning as Lady Gabriella Kingston’s husband dies

  • Duke of Sussex will appeal against High Court ruling dismissing challenge over security

Meghan Markle’s former co-star reveals what he told her before royal wedding

23:20 , Holly Evans

Meghan Markle’s former co-star reveals what he told her before royal wedding

Prince Harry ‘faces legal bill of £1 million’ after High Court security battle

21:20 , Holly Evans

Prince Harry is facing an estimated legal bill of around £1m after losing a High Court challenge against the government over taxpayer-funded security while he is in the UK.

The Duke of Sussex had taken the Home Office to court after it cut spending on his personal security, with the 39-year-old claiming the decision, made in 2020, could put him at risk.

But retired High Court judge Sir Peter Lane rejected the prince’s case in a ruling on Wednesday – and now the royal could also potentially be landed with a huge court bill as a result.

Read the full article here:

Prince Harry ‘faces legal bill of £1 million’ after High Court security battle

Who is Thomas Kingston? Husband of Lady Gabriella Windsor found dead with ‘head wound’

19:28 , Holly Evans

Thomas Kingston was a financier who married into the royal family after a summer proposal on the island of Sark almost six years ago.

He became the husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston, 56th in line to the throne.

On Sunday the 45-year-old, known as Tom, died from a “traumatic head wound” with a gun found close to his body in an outhouse at his parent’s Cotswolds home, an inquest heard.

Read the full article here:

Who is Thomas Kingston? Husband of Lady Gabriella Windsor found dead aged 45

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

18:30 , Holly Evans

Prince William missed a memorial for his godfather the late King Constantine sparking concerns for Kate Middleton’s health.

Constantine died at the age of 82 in January last year, decades after being toppled from the throne in a military coup.

William, 41, called the Greek royal family to let them know he was unable to attend, and Crown Prince Pavlos stood in for the British heir to the throne who was due to give a Bible reading.

Read the full article here

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

Prince William responds to question about Kate during meeting with Holocaust survivor

17:56 , Holly Evans

Prince William responds to question about Kate during meeting with Holocaust survivor

Sarah Ferguson cancer ‘hasn’t spread’ and prognosis is good, says friend

08:00 , Shweta Sharma

The Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson has reportedly been told that there appears to be no further spread of her skin cancer, after two back-to-back health scares.

Ms Ferguson was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in January, just six months after treatment for breast cancer and undergoing breast reconstruction surgery.

The ex-wife of Prince Andrew underwent examinations of the skin in the area around the malignant mole, and learned that it was all “free of cancer”, the Daily Mail has reported, citing her friend.

Read the full report.

‘Huge relief’ as Sarah Ferguson’s friend provides cancer update

Where is Kate Middleton?

07:00 , Athena Stavrou

Kate, the Princess of Wales, will return to royal engagements after Easter, Kensington Palace said in a new update amid concerns over her lack of public appearances following her surgery.

The princess was last seen attending a service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Norfolk ahead of the planned abdominal surgery on 16 January at an undisclosed location.

Since her return home to Windsor in late January, the princess has not been seen in public, which has led to growing concerns about her health.

Theories about her absence intensified online after Prince William bowed out of a planned appearance at a memorial service of his godfather, King Constantine of the Hellenes, who died in January last year. William attributed an unspecified “personal reason” for missing the service.

Addressing the rumours, a spokesperson with the Kensington Palace said: “We were very clear from the outset that the Princess of Wales was out until after Easter and Kensington Palace would only be providing updates when something was significant.”

The Palace earlier this week told The Independent that the princess was “doing well” as she recovered from the procedure.

 (PA Images)

(PA Images)

ICYMI: Inquest reveals Thomas Kingston’s cause of death

06:00 , Athena Stavrou

Thomas Kingston, the husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston, died from a “traumatic head wound”.

A gun was found near his body in an outbuilding at his parent’s home in the Cotswolds, an inquest opening at Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court heard on Friday.

Mr Kingston was visiting his parents’ home in the Cotswolds on 25 February where he ate lunch with them.

His father went out to walk the dogs and on his return Mr Kingston was not in the house. After approximately 30 minutes his mother went to look for him.

Mr Kingston’s father then forced entry to a locked-out building when no reply could be gained and found his son inside with a “traumatic head injury”.

 (PA Wire)

(PA Wire)

William ‘horrendous’ at pulling pints on Wrexham FC visit

05:00 , Athena Stavrou

The Prince of Wales was declared a “horrendous” pint puller as he visited Wrexham FC’s home bar and downed a shot.

The future King met regulars in the Turf pub, a stone’s throw from Wrexham’s ground, and praised their achievements, which have boosted tourism and last season saw the club promoted to the Football League after a 15-year absence.

Actor Rob McElhenney and tenant landlord Wayne Jones took William behind the bar and he tried to pull a pint of the popular Madri lager. His first effort was all foam and declared “horrendous” by the prince and his second was not much better.

“Still got a horrible head on it, that’s why I don’t work behind the bar. That might settle in about an hour, talk among yourselves,” he quipped.

The Hollywood star suggested his own blended American whiskey brand, Four Walls, and the pair each knocked back a shot.

Sarah Ferguson cancer ‘hasn’t spread’ and prognosis is good: ‘Huge relief ‘

04:26 , Shweta Sharma

Sarah Ferguson has received “good news” that there appears to be no spread of her skin cancer, a friend of the Duchess of York told the Daily Mail.

The ex-wife of Prince Andrew underwent another surgery to examine the area around the mole that was detected to be malignant and learned that it was all “free of cancer”, the friend said.

“She’s undergone further surgery following the melanoma diagnosis to examine the area around the mole that was found to be malignant and her lymph nodes,” said the friend of the duchess, who was not named.

“The good news is that these have all been found to be free of cancer so it looks like there has been no spread of the disease and the prognosis is good, though she’ll have to have regular check-ups going forward.

“It’s a huge relief for Sarah and the entire family after the most stressful time and an anxious wait for results.”

Ms Ferguson is now planning to travel to Australia for an event and celebrate the news with her sister.

What has the palace said about Kate’s health?

04:00 , Athena Stavrou

The princess was last seen attending a service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Norfolk ahead of the planned abdominal surgery on 16 January at the London Clinic.

Since her return home to Windsor in late January, the princess has not been seen in public, which has led to growing concerns about her health.

Addressing rumours about her, a spokesperson with the Kensington Palace said: “We were very clear from the outset that the Princess of Wales was out until after Easter and Kensington Palace would only be providing updates when something was significant.”

The Palace earlier this week told The Independent that the princess was “doing well” as she recovered from the procedure.

 (Getty Images)

(Getty Images)

‘William stands with Jewish community’

03:00 , Athena Stavrou

William visited a London synagogue to meet young people representing Jewish students and others helping to combat antisemitism among the next generation to “reassure you all that people do care”.

Karen Pollock, Holocaust Educational Trust’s chief executive, who joined the royal visit on Thursday said: “I think it is an extremely powerful message to hear the Prince of Wales say that he stands with the Jewish community and says there’s zero tolerance for this anti-Jewish hate – and he wants to help and he wants to listen.

“The time he gave to these young people, who have experienced antisemitism, and the encouragement he gave to our young ambassadors is something they’ll never forget.”



Confidential Leveson Inquiry documents can be used in Harry legal action

02:00 , Athena Stavrou

Confidential Leveson Inquiry documents can be disclosed in the Duke of Sussex’s legal action against the Daily Mail’s publisher, ministers have said.

Harry, alongside a number of other high-profile people, is suing Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) over denied allegations of unlawful information gathering.

It was previously ruled that the documents – relating to Daily Mail records of payments to private investigators – could not be used as the documents were provided with the understanding that they were confidential and were covered by publication restriction orders over their use.

However, Harry’s lawyers later said they would ask the Government to vary the Leveson Inquiry restriction to allow material to be used.

In a joint statement on Friday, the Culture Secretary and the Home Secretary said they had decided to vary the order and allow documents to be disclosed “for the purposes of the legal proceedings”.

They said these were “Daily Mail ledger cards recording payments to private investigators” and “The Mail on Sunday ledger cards recording payments to private investigators”.

The statement said: “We do not consider that it is necessary in the public interest to withhold these documents from any disclosure or publication and have decided to vary the (final restriction order) so as to allow the disclosure of these documents solely for the purposes of the proceedings.

“In this case, in our judgment, the public interest in promoting the just, speedy and economic resolution of the proceedings outweighs the countervailing public interests.”



Harry and Meghan were ‘recklessly’chased by paparazzi through New York, police confirm

01:00 , Athena Stavrou

Paparazzi did chase Prince Harry and Meghan Markle “recklessly” through New York last year, police have confirmed.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex said at the time that they and Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland narrowly avoided a “catastrophic” crash while being pursued by paparazzi after leaving the Women of Vision Awards at Manhattan’s Ziegfeld Ballroom on 16 May.

In a statement that was an echo of the 1997 chase through Paris that killed Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, a spokesperson for the royal couple said in the wake of the incident: “This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two [police] officers.”

But authorities gave a different account of events at the time. The New York Police Department, which assisted the couple’s private security, said the journey had been “challenging” but “there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries or arrests.”

Read the full story here…

Harry and Meghan were ‘recklessly’chased by paparazzi in New York, police confirm

Pictures: William visits Wrexham

00:01 , Athena Stavrou



 (Ben Birchall/PA Wire)

(Ben Birchall/PA Wire)

 (Molly Darlington/PA Wire)

(Molly Darlington/PA Wire)

Comment – Read the room, Prince Harry: you walked away from the UK – why should we pay for your security?

Friday 1 March 2024 23:00 , Athena Stavrou

Another day, another ego blow for the supercilious Sussexes.

Prince Harry has lost the legal challenge he brought against the Home Office over its decision to deny him and his family automatic police protection whenever he is in the UK. It would take a heart of stone not to chuckle, or at least give tut and eyeroll. “What was he thinking…?”

This ruling is not just a triumph for common sense, it shows once again quite how out of touch Harry – now fully Californicated – is with the public mood.

It’s nearly four years since Harry and Meghan opted to leave these shores for ones where every Joe Schmoe carries a gun. Perhaps they have been bitten by the personal protection bug?

Read the full piece by Paul Clements here…

Read the room, Prince Harry: you walked away – why should we pay for your security?

Watch: Prince William downs shot and pulls pint with Rob McElhenney during Wrexham visit

Friday 1 March 2024 22:00 , Athena Stavrou

The Prince of Wales declared Wrexham are every football fan’s second club as he downed a shot and pulled a pint in the supporters’ home bar – and joked it needed time to settle.

William quizzed diehard fans about their fairytale ride with Hollywood actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney, who bought Wrexham AFC and revived the club’s fortunes.

The future King met McElhenney and regulars in the Turf pub, a stone’s throw from Wrexham’s ground, and praised their achievements, which have boosted tourism and last season saw the club promoted to the Football League after a 15-year absence.

Kate Middleton’s health history as concerns grow

Friday 1 March 2024 21:00 , Athena Stavrou

Prince William missed a memorial for his godfather the late King Constantine this week, sparking concerns for Kate Middleton’s health.

The palace reported the Prince of Wales missed the memorial service due to a personal matter, however, they did not elaborate further.

In January, the Princess of Wales, 42, entered the London Clinic to have abdominal surgery for an unspecified condition.

The exact details of the princess’s condition have not been revealed but the Palace said previously it was not cancer-related, and that Kate wished her personal medical information to remain private.

During the Duchess of Cambridge’s three pregnancies, she suffered with hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition which causes severe vomiting.

To overcome the extreme sickness, she revealed in a podcast Happy Mum, Happy Baby, she resorted to hypnobirthing techniques of mindfulness and meditation.In the 2020 podcast, the Princess told the host Giovanna Fletcher: “I’m not going to say that William was standing there sort of, chanting sweet nothings at me.

“He definitely wasn’t. I didn’t even ask him about it, but it was just something I wanted to do for myself.

“I saw the power of it really, the meditation and the deep breathing and things like that, that they teach you in hypnobirthing, when I was really sick, and actually I realised that this was something I could take control of, I suppose, during labour. It was hugely powerful.”

Prince Harry ‘faces legal bill of £1 million’ after High Court security battle

Friday 1 March 2024 20:00 , Athena Stavrou

Prince Harry is facing an estimated legal bill of around £1m after losing a High Court challenge against the government over taxpayer-funded security while he is in the UK.

The Duke of Sussex had taken the Home Office to court after it cut spending on his personal security, with the 39-year-old claiming the decision, made in 2020, could put him at risk.

But retired High Court judge Sir Peter Lane rejected the prince’s case in a ruling on Wednesday – and now the royal could also potentially be landed with a huge court bill as a result.

Read the full story below:

Prince Harry ‘faces legal bill of £1 million’ after High Court security battle

Coroner’s full statement at Thomas Kingston’s inquest opening

Friday 1 March 2024 19:00 , Athena Stavrou

Opening the inquest at Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court, senior coroner Katy Skerrett said: “I can confirm I have received evidence of identification of the deceased in written format, which complies with Rule 23 of the Coroner’s Rules 2013.

“That evidence is sufficient for identification, and I can thereby confirm the deceased is indeed Thomas Henry Robin Kingston, 45, whose home address is in London. I have received evidence of the brief circumstances surrounding this tragic incident also in written format, which complies with Rule 23 of the Coroner’s Rules 2013.

“These brief circumstances are as follows. Mr Kingston was visiting his parents’ home in the Cotswolds. On February 25 2024 he ate lunch with his parents. His father went out to walk the dogs.

“On his return Mr Kingston was not in the house and after approximately 30 minutes his mother went to look for him. His father forced entry on a locked out building when no reply could be gained.

“He found Mr Kingston deceased with a catastrophic head injury. A gun was present at the scene. Emergency services were called. Police are satisfied the death is not suspicious.

“A post mortem has been undertaken by Dr Jones, a consultant histopathologist, and a provisional cause of death has been given as 1a traumatic wound to head.

“Having been satisfied with identification, initial cause of death and the brief circumstances surrounding Mr Kingston’s death, I can formally open this inquest. I now adjourn it to a date to be fixed. That concludes the opening of the inquest into the death of Thomas Henry Robin Kingston.”

William ‘horrendous’ at pulling pints on Wrexham FC visit

Friday 1 March 2024 18:00 , Athena Stavrou

The Prince of Wales was declared as a “horrendous” pint puller as he visited Wrexham FC’s home bar and downed a shot.

The future King met regulars in the Turf pub, a stone’s throw from Wrexham’s ground, and praised their achievements, which have boosted tourism and last season saw the club promoted to the Football League after a 15-year absence.

Actor Rob McElhenney and tenant landlord Wayne Jones took William behind the bar and he tried to pull a pint of the popular Madri lager. His first effort was all foam and declared “horrendous” by the prince and his second was not much better.

“Still got a horrible head on it, that’s why I don’t work behind the bar. That might settle in about an hour, talk among yourselves,” he quipped.

The Hollywood star suggested his own blended American whiskey brand, Four Walls, and the pair each knocked back a shot.

 (via REUTERS)


Prince of Wales celebrates St David’s Day with schoolchildren

Friday 1 March 2024 17:15 , Athena Stavrou

The Prince of Wales has joined primary school children to celebrate St David’s Day.

Pupils at Ysgol yr Holl Saint, or All Saints School, in Gresford, Wrexham, North Wales, performed folk songs and dances for William when he visited on Friday, the feast day for the Welsh patron saint.

William wore the national flower, a daffodil, pinned to his suit for the visit and many of the children donned traditional costumes to mark the day. He commented on the outfit of four-year-old Esme Dale, who wore a collar-sized daffodil around her neck, telling her: “I like your daffodil, that’s amazing.”

The prince donned an apron to have a go at stirring a mix for bara brith – a Welsh tea bread – and was presented with a loaf to take home.

As he left, after posing for a group photo with the school, students gave him three Welsh dragon toys to pass on to his children George, Charlotte and Louis.

Accepting a bouquet of flowers, he added: “I’ll pass those on to Catherine.”

There has been much speculation about the princess’ health as she continues her recovery from an abdominal operation.

The Prince of Wales visited Ysgol Yr Holl Saint school in Wrexham (Ben Birchall/PA) (PA Wire)

The Prince of Wales visited Ysgol Yr Holl Saint school in Wrexham (Ben Birchall/PA) (PA Wire)

Confidential Leveson Inquiry documents can be used in Harry legal action

Friday 1 March 2024 16:30 , Athena Stavrou

Confidential Leveson Inquiry documents can be disclosed in the Duke of Sussex’s legal action against the Daily Mail’s publisher, ministers have said.

Harry, alongside a number of other high-profile people, is suing Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) over denied allegations of unlawful information gathering.

It was previously ruled that the documents – relating to Daily Mail records of payments to private investigators – could not be used as the documents were provided with the understanding that they were confidential and were covered by publication restriction orders over their use.

However, Harry’s lawyers later said they would ask the Government to vary the Leveson Inquiry restriction to allow material to be used.

In a joint statement on Friday, the Culture Secretary and the Home Secretary said they had decided to vary the order and allow documents to be disclosed “for the purposes of the legal proceedings”.

They said these were “Daily Mail ledger cards recording payments to private investigators” and “The Mail on Sunday ledger cards recording payments to private investigators”.

The statement said: “We do not consider that it is necessary in the public interest to withhold these documents from any disclosure or publication and have decided to vary the (final restriction order) so as to allow the disclosure of these documents solely for the purposes of the proceedings.

“In this case, in our judgment, the public interest in promoting the just, speedy and economic resolution of the proceedings outweighs the countervailing public interests.”

Full report: Thomas Kingston died with gun found near to body, inquest hears

Friday 1 March 2024 15:45 , Athena Stavrou

Thomas Kingston died from “traumatic head wound” as a gun was found near his body, an inquest opening heard.

The husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston, died suddenly on Sunday in an outbuilding at his parent’s home in the Cotswolds.

While opening the inquest at Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court on Friday afternoon, senior coroner Katy Skerrett said that Mr Kingston, 45, ate lunch with his parents at their home on Sunday.

Read the full story below:

Thomas Kingston, husband of Lady Gabriella Windsor, died with gun found next to body

William downs shot and pulls pint during Wrexham football club visit

Friday 1 March 2024 15:06 , Athena Stavrou

The Prince of Wales declared Wrexham are every football fan’s second club as he downed a shot and pulled a pint in the supporters’ home bar – and joked it needed time to settle.

William quizzed diehard fans about their fairytale ride with Hollywood actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney, who bought Wrexham AFC and revived the club’s fortunes.

The future King met McElhenney and regulars in the Turf pub, a stone’s throw from Wrexham’s ground, and praised their achievements, which have boosted tourism and last season saw the club promoted to the Football League after a 15-year absence.

He said: “It’s a great success story you’re building here, everything you’ve started and achieved it’s fantastic, so onwards and upwards – it’s exciting.

“And anyone who’s a true football fan wants to see you do well.”

Missing was one of the club’s star owners, Hollywood actor Ryan Reynolds, who was unable to travel from the US for the royal visit as he is editing the latest instalment of his Deadpool movie series.

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Coroner outlines circumstances of death

Friday 1 March 2024 14:27 , Matt Mathers

Athena Stavrou reports: Opening the inquest at Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court, senior coroner Katy Skerrett said: “I can confirm I have received evidence of identification of the deceased in written format, which complies with Rule 23 of the Coroner’s Rules 2013.

“That evidence is sufficient for identification, and I can thereby confirm the deceased is indeed Thomas Henry Robin Kingston, 45, whose home address is in London. I have received evidence of the brief circumstances surrounding this tragic incident also in written format, which complies with Rule 23 of the Coroner’s Rules 2013.

“These brief circumstances are as follows. Mr Kingston was visiting his parents’ home in the Cotswolds. On February 25 2024 he ate lunch with his parents. His father went out to walk the dogs.

“On his return Mr Kingston was not in the house and after approximately 30 minutes his mother went to look for him. His father forced entry on a locked out building when no reply could be gained.

“He found Mr Kingston deceased with a catastrophic head injury. A gun was present at the scene. Emergency services were called. Police are satisfied the death is not suspicious.

“A post mortem has been undertaken by Dr Jones, a consultant histopathologist, and a provisional cause of death has been given as 1a traumatic wound to head.

“Having been satisfied with identification, initial cause of death and the brief circumstances surrounding Mr Kingston’s death, I can formally open this inquest. I now adjourn it to a date to be fixed. That concludes the opening of the inquest into the death of Thomas Henry Robin Kingston.”

Thomas Kingston and Lady Gabriella Kingston arrives to attend a Service of Thanksgiving for Britain’s Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, at Westminster Abbey in central London on 29 March 2022 (AFP via Getty Images)

Thomas Kingston and Lady Gabriella Kingston arrives to attend a Service of Thanksgiving for Britain’s Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, at Westminster Abbey in central London on 29 March 2022 (AFP via Getty Images)

Breaking: Thomas Kingston’s cause of death revealed

Friday 1 March 2024 14:24 , Athena Stavrou

Thomas Kingston, the husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston, died from a “traumatic head wound” and a gun was found near to his body in an outbuilding at his parent’s home in the Cotswolds, an inquest opening at Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court heard.

We’ll have more on this breaking development as it comes in.

Lady Gabriella Kingston and Thomas Kingston leaving St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, following their wedding (Victoria Jones/PA) (PA Wire)

Lady Gabriella Kingston and Thomas Kingston leaving St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, following their wedding (Victoria Jones/PA) (PA Wire)

Inquest opening into death of Thomas Kingston

Friday 1 March 2024 14:00 , Athena Stavrou

A coroner is opening an inquest into the death of Thomas Kingston, the husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston, on Friday afternoon

A spokesman for Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court said the inquest would be opened at 2pm.

“Please be advised that HM senior coroner for Gloucestershire, Ms Katy Skerrett, will conduct the opening of the inquest into the death of Mr Thomas Henry Robin Kingston at 2pm Friday March 1 2024 at the Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court,” the statement said.

Buckingham Palace announced Mr Kingston, 45, died suddenly on February 25 at an address in the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire.

Lady Gabriella paid tribute to her financier husband in a joint statement with his family, describing him as an “exceptional man who lit up the lives of all who knew him”.

They described his death as a “great shock to the whole family”.

Lady Gabriella Kingston and husband Thomas (Alexandra Diez de Rivera/Buckingham Palace/PA) (PA Wire)

Lady Gabriella Kingston and husband Thomas (Alexandra Diez de Rivera/Buckingham Palace/PA) (PA Wire)

History of Kate Middleton’s health history

Friday 1 March 2024 13:30 , Athena Stavrou

Prince William missed a memorial for his godfather the late King Constantine earlier this week, sparking concerns for Kate Middleton’s health.

The palace reported the Prince of Wales missed the memorial service due to a personal matter, however, they did not elaborate further.

In January, the Princess of Wales, 42, entered the London Clinic to have abdominal surgery for an unspecified condition.

She has not been seen since attending church on Christmas Day and is not expected to return to official duties until after Easter.

Read the full article here

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

Prince William visits Wrexham FC

Friday 1 March 2024 12:45 , Athena Stavrou

Prince William has made a visit to Wrexham FC for a Royal St David’s Day visit to celebrate Welsh culture.

He was pictured meeting and smiling alongside key members of the club while visiting the Turf public house in the town.

Following this, The Prince is also scheduled to visit Ysgol Yr Holl Saint/All Saint’s School to see how the school was celebrating St David’s Day.

 (Chris Jackson/PA Wire)

(Chris Jackson/PA Wire)

 (Chris Jackson/PA Wire)

(Chris Jackson/PA Wire)

What has the palace said about Kate’s health?

Friday 1 March 2024 12:15 , Athena Stavrou

The princess was last seen attending a service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Norfolk ahead of the planned abdominal surgery on 16 January at the London Clinic.

Since her return home to Windsor in late January, the princess has not been seen in public, which has led to growing concerns about her health.

Addressing rumours about her, a spokesperson with the Kensington Palace said: “We were very clear from the outset that the Princess of Wales was out until after Easter and Kensington Palace would only be providing updates when something was significant.”

The Palace earlier this week told The Independent that the princess was “doing well” as she recovered from the procedure.

‘William stands with Jewish community’

Friday 1 March 2024 11:30 , Athena Stavrou

William visited a London synagogue on Thursday to meet young people representing Jewish students and others helping to combat antisemitism among the next generation to “reassure you all that people do care”.

Karen Pollock, Holocaust Educational Trust’s chief executive, who joined the royal visit said: “I think it is an extremely powerful message to hear the Prince of Wales say that he stands with the Jewish community and says there’s zero tolerance for this anti-Jewish hate – and he wants to help and he wants to listen.

“The time he gave to these young people, who have experienced antisemitism, and the encouragement he gave to our young ambassadors is something they’ll never forget.”



ICYMI: Queen meets Ukraine’s first lady at Clarence House

Friday 1 March 2024 10:39 , Athena Stavrou

The Queen met Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska at Clarence House on Thursday.

Camilla welcomed the wife of the Ukrainian president to her London residence yesterday morning with their meeting coming just days after the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They were pictured in conversation as they sat in the Garden Room with Ms Zelenska posted a video on social media showing Camilla greeting her warmly with a kiss on both cheeks and saying: “Hello. How very nice to see you.”

She wrote that she was “delighted to personally express my gratitude to Her Majesty Queen Camilla, and in her person the whole @RoyalFamily and all people of the UK for supporting (Ukraine) and our IDPs (internally displaced persons).

“Our values are common — life, freedom, democracy. Thank you for standing up for them together today.”

The footage showed Camilla and the first lady chatting and also focused in on the family photos on display, including portraits of the Queen Mother, the late Queen, a teenage Prince Harry, and an image of the King cradling a baby in his arms, believed to be one of his grandchildren.

 (Yui Mok/PA Wire)

(Yui Mok/PA Wire)

Inquest to open into death of Thomas Kingston

Friday 1 March 2024 09:43 , Athena Stavrou

A coroner is to open an inquest into the death of Thomas Kingston, the husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston, on Friday afternoon

A spokesman for Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court said the inquest would be opened at 2pm.

“Please be advised that HM senior coroner for Gloucestershire, Ms Katy Skerrett, will conduct the opening of the inquest into the death of Mr Thomas Henry Robin Kingston at 2pm Friday March 1 2024 at the Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court,” the statement said.

Buckingham Palace announced Mr Kingston, 45, died suddenly on February 25 at an address in the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire.

Lady Gabriella paid tribute to her financier husband in a joint statement with his family, describing him as an “exceptional man who lit up the lives of all who knew him”.

They described his death as a “great shock to the whole family”.



Where is Kate Middleton?

Friday 1 March 2024 08:25 , Athena Stavrou

Kate, the Princess of Wales, will return to royal engagements after Easter, Kensington Palace said in a new update amid concerns over her lack of public appearances following her surgery.

The princess was last seen attending a service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Norfolk ahead of the planned abdominal surgery on 16 January at an undisclosed location.

Since her return home to Windsor in late January, the princess has not been seen in public, which has led to growing concerns about her health.

Theories about her absence intensified online after Prince William bowed out of a planned appearance at a memorial service of his godfather, King Constantine of the Hellenes, who died in January last year. William attributed an unspecified “personal reason” for missing the service.

Addressing the rumours, a spokesperson with the Kensington Palace said: “We were very clear from the outset that the Princess of Wales was out until after Easter and Kensington Palace would only be providing updates when something was significant.”

The Palace earlier this week told The Independent that the princess was “doing well” as she recovered from the procedure.

 (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

(Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Prince William looks to reassure Jewish community people care about antisemitism

Friday 1 March 2024 07:01 , Barney Davis

Prince William seen in public for first time after pulling out of event for ‘personal matter’

Friday 1 March 2024 06:01 , Barney Davis

The Prince of Wales was seen in public for the first time two days after he pulled out of attending a memorial service for the late King Constantine of Greece at Windsor Castle due to a personal matter.

Kensington Palace would not elaborate further but said the Princess of Wales, who is recovering from abdominal surgery, continues to be doing well.

Prince William visited the Western Marble Arch Synagogue on Thursday, 29 February, where he took part in conversations about the rise in antisemitism in the UK.

The prince also met Holocaust survivor Renee Salt to hear about her experiences.

William seen in public for first time after pulling out of memorial service

Prince William responds to question about Kate during meeting with Holocaust survivor

Friday 1 March 2024 05:01 , Barney Davis

Prince William responds to question about Kate during meeting with Holocaust survivor

Prince Harry’s endgame is to be treated fairly – expert

Friday 1 March 2024 04:04 , Barney Davis

It was revealed at the High Court that Harry said he faced a greater risk than his late mother Diana, Princess of Wales, with “additional layers of racism and extremism”, in a letter he previously wrote to the then-Cabinet Secretary expressing his “disbelief” over his security arrangements.

And it emerged that US authorities concluded there was enough evidence to arrest two people for “reckless endangerment” after the Sussexes said they experienced a “near-catastrophic” car chase in New York involving paparazzi in 2023.

Speaking on TalkTV, US-based journalist and royal commentator Kinsey Schofield said: “I think his endgame is to be treated, what he would say, fairly. Just look at his book title Spare, I think he wants the same treatment that other members of his family receive and I think that’s what I think he’s fighting for.”

Harry’s team is set to appeal against the latest ruling. Ms Schofield added: “He’s said throughout his battle that he also believes he’s in more jeopardy than his mother was. So I do think that he is legitimately fearful for his family.”

Duke of Sussex will appeal against High Court ruling dismissing challenge over security

Friday 1 March 2024 03:05 , Barney Davis

The Duke of Sussex will seek to appeal against a High Court ruling dismissing his challenge over a change to the level of his personal security when he visits the UK, a spokesperson has said.

Following the ruling on Wednesday, a legal spokesperson for Prince Harry said: “The Duke of Sussex will appeal today’s judgment which refuses his judicial review claim against the decision-making body Ravec, which includes the Home Office, the Royal Household and the Met Police.

“Although these are not labels used by Ravec, three categories – as revealed during the litigation – comprise the ‘Ravec cohort’: the Role Based Category, the Occasional Category and the Other VIP Category.

“The Duke is not asking for preferential treatment, but for a fair and lawful application of Ravec’s own rules, ensuring that he receives the same consideration as others in accordance with Ravec’s own written policy.

“In February 2020, Ravec failed to apply its written policy to the Duke of Sussex and excluded him from a particular risk analysis.

“The duke’s case is that the so-called ‘bespoke process’ that applies to him, is no substitute for that risk analysis.

“The Duke of Sussex hopes he will obtain justice from the Court of Appeal, and makes no further comment while the case is ongoing.”

Why it might be time for Hybrid Harry – but would a half-in, half-out royal ever work?

Friday 1 March 2024 02:05 , Barney Davis

Could Hybrid Harry – the half-in, half-out royal – ever work?

History of Kate Middleton’s health history

Friday 1 March 2024 01:50 , Barney Davis

Prince William missed a memorial for his godfather the late King Constantine sparking concerns for Kate Middleton’s health.

The palace reported the Prince of Wales missed the memorial service due to a personal matter, however, they did not elaborate further.

In January, the Princess of Wales, 42, entered the London Clinic to have abdominal surgery for an unspecified condition.

Read the full article here

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

‘William stands with Jewish community’

Friday 1 March 2024 00:50 , Barney Davis

William visited a London synagogue to meet young people representing Jewish students and others helping to combat antisemitism among the next generation to “reassure you all that people do care”.

Karen Pollock, Holocaust Educational Trust’s chief executive, who joined the royal visit said: “I think it is an extremely powerful message to hear the Prince of Wales say that he stands with the Jewish community and says there’s zero tolerance for this anti-Jewish hate – and he wants to help and he wants to listen.

“The time he gave to these young people, who have experienced antisemitism, and the encouragement he gave to our young ambassadors is something they’ll never forget.”

Prince William told of antisemitism faced by young Jewish students on synagogue visit

Thursday 29 February 2024 23:45 , Barney Davis

Edward Isaacs, president of the Union of Jewish Students UK and Ireland, told William his organisation represented 9,000 students, adding: “Very sadly since October 7 we’ve truly seen an explosion of antisemitism on campus that we’ve never seen before.

“We’ve seen not only the number of incidents increase but the severity too. We’ve seen Jewish students receive death threats, we’ve seen Jewish students physically assaulted on campus, we’ve seen Jewish property desecrated as well on campus.

“But just because Jewish students haven’t been a victim of antisemitism doesn’t mean you don’t feel the anxiety, because if you haven’t been a victim you know somebody who has been, really sadly, and that creates, and has created, a climate of fear that we’ve never known before.”



Princess of Wales misses synagogue visit

Thursday 29 February 2024 22:45 , Barney Davis

The Princess of Wales was due to join William for the synagogue visit earlier on Thursday but she is still recovering from an abdominal operation.

He spent time with Holocaust survivor Renee Salt, 94, and held her hand after she recounted her fears about the rise in hatred and told her: “It must be horrible for all of you worrying about this and I’m sorry it’s got to this…it will get better.”

She told the prince how she was moved from “ghetto to ghetto” during the Second World War and he expressed his condolences when she said her mother died 12 days after they were liberated from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp by the British Army in 1945.

William suggested it was important those who experienced the Holocaust continued to talk to the next generation, Mrs Salt replied “some of the young people don’t even believe it ever happened.”

Karen Pollock, Holocaust Educational Trust’s chief executive, who joined the royal visit said: “I think it is an extremely powerful message to hear the Prince of Wales say that he stands with the Jewish community and says there’s zero tolerance for this anti-Jewish hate – and he wants to help and he wants to listen.

“The time he gave to these young people, who have experienced antisemitism, and the encouragement he gave to our young ambassadors is something they’ll never forget.”

Comment – Read the room, Prince Harry: you walked away from the UK – why should we pay for your security?

Thursday 29 February 2024 21:30 , Barney Davis

Another day, another ego blow for the supercilious Sussexes.

Prince Harry has lost the legal challenge he brought against the Home Office over its decision to deny him and his family automatic police protection whenever he is in the UK. It would take a heart of stone not to chuckle, or at least give tut and eyeroll. “What was he thinking…?”

This ruling is not just a triumph for common sense, it shows once again quite how out of touch Harry – now fully Californicated – is with the public mood.

It’s nearly four years since Harry and Meghan opted to leave these shores for ones where every Joe Schmoe carries a gun. Perhaps they have been bitten by the personal protection bug?

Read the full piece by Paul Clements here…

Read the room, Prince Harry: you walked away – why should we pay for your security?

Harry and Meghan were ‘recklessly’chased by paparazzi through New York, police confirm

Thursday 29 February 2024 19:34 , Lydia Patrick

Paparazzi did chase Prince Harry and Meghan Markle “recklessly” through New York last year, police have confirmed.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex said at the time that they and Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland narrowly avoided a “catastrophic” crash while being pursued by paparazzi after leaving the Women of Vision Awards at Manhattan’s Ziegfeld Ballroom on 16 May.

In a statement that was an echo of the 1997 chase through Paris that killed Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, a spokesperson for the royal couple said in the wake of the incident: “This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two [police] officers.”

But authorities gave a different account of events at the time. The New York Police Department, which assisted the couple’s private security, said the journey had been “challenging” but “there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries or arrests.”

Read the full story here…

Harry and Meghan were ‘recklessly’chased by paparazzi in New York, police confirm

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

Thursday 29 February 2024 18:34 , Lydia Patrick

Prince William missed a memorial for his godfather the late King Constantine sparking concerns for Kate Middleton’s health.

Constantine died at the age of 82 in January last year, decades after being toppled from the throne in a military coup.

William, 41, called the Greek royal family to let them know he was unable to attend, and Crown Prince Pavlos stood in for the British heir to the throne who was due to give a Bible reading.

Read the full story here…

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

Watch – Prince Harry hails ‘incredible support’ of family in new video message

Thursday 29 February 2024 17:30 , Lydia Patrick

Prince Harry hails ‘incredible support’ of family in new video message

More from Prince William’s Synagogue visit

Thursday 29 February 2024 16:27 , Lydia Patrick

Edward Isaacs, president of the Union of Jewish Students UK and Ireland, told William his organisation represented 9,000 students, adding: “Very sadly since October 7 we’ve truly seen an explosion of antisemitism on campus that we’ve never seen before.

“We’ve seen not only the number of incidents increase but the severity too. We’ve seen Jewish students receive death threats, we’ve seen Jewish students physically assaulted on campus, we’ve seen Jewish property desecrated as well on campus.

“But just because Jewish students haven’t been a victim of antisemitism doesn’t mean you don’t feel the anxiety, because if you haven’t been a victim you know somebody who has been, really sadly, and that creates, and has created, a climate of fear that we’ve never known before.”

Kate was due to join William for the synagogue visit which had been planned to mark Holocaust Memorial Day but she is recovering from an abdominal operation.

Mrs Salt remembered the princess when she spoke with William: “I’m sure if your wife would have been well she would have been here I miss her so much, give her my best wishes.”

William condemns rise in antisemitism as he visits synagogue

Thursday 29 February 2024 15:30 , Lydia Patrick

The Prince of Wales has condemned the rise in hatred directed against the country’s Jewish community saying “antisemitism has no place in society”.

William visited a London synagogue to meet young people representing Jewish students and others helping to combat antisemitism among the next generation to “reassure you all that people do care”.

He also spent a time with Holocaust survivor Renee Salt, 94, and held her hand after she recounted her fears and told her “I’m sorry it’s got to that stage.”

The future king’s visit to the Western Marble Arch Synagogue came after he called for the fighting in the Israel-Hamas war to end “as soon as possible” and increased humanitarian support for Gaza, during a visit last week to the London headquarters of the British Red Cross.

William heard the personal testimony of the young people who spoke about how Jewish students across the country have been affected by the rise of hatred on the streets of Britain.

He said: “Well, you’ve heard it from me, antisemitism has no place in society, you’ve heard that from me OK – I’ve said that before and I’ll say it again.

“And hearing all … your lived experiences both Catherine and I are extremely concerned about the rise in antisemitism that you guys have talked about so eloquently this morning, and I’m just so sorry you’ve had to experience that, it has no place and it shouldn’t happen.

“So that’s why I’m here today to reassure you all that people do care, people do listen and we can’t let that keep going.”

Prince William wears a kippah as he visits the Western Marble Arch Synagogue, in London, Britain (REUTERS)

Prince William wears a kippah as he visits the Western Marble Arch Synagogue, in London, Britain (REUTERS)

Watch – Prince William seen in public for first time after pulling out of event for ‘personal matter’

Thursday 29 February 2024 15:00 , Lydia Patrick

William seen in public for first time after pulling out of memorial service

Watch – Prince William pulling out of memorial ‘nothing to do with Kate’, expert says

Thursday 29 February 2024 14:30 , Lydia Patrick

Prince William pulling out of memorial ‘nothing to do with Kate’, expert says

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

Thursday 29 February 2024 14:00 , Lydia Patrick

In January, the Princess of Wales, 42, entered the London Clinic to have abdominal surgery for an unspecified condition.

The exact details of the princess’s condition have not been revealed but the Palace said previously it was not cancer-related, and that Kate wished her personal medical information to remain private.

Here is a history of Kate’s health…

Kate Middleton’s health history after Prince William misses memorial service

Why did Prince William miss his godfather’s memorial service?

Thursday 29 February 2024 13:30 , Lydia Patrick

Prince William missed a memorial for his godfather the late King Constantine, 82, who died last January, decades after being toppled from the throne in a military coup.

William, 41, called the Greek royal family to let them know he was unable to attend, and Crown Prince Pavlos stood in for the British heir to the throne who was due to give a Bible reading.

The palace reported the Prince of Wales missed the memorial service due to a personal matter, however, they did not elaborate further.

Prince William gifted bouquet for his wife Kate

Thursday 29 February 2024 13:09 , Lydia Patrick

During his visit to the Western Marble Arch Synagogue, Prince William was given a colourful bouquet of flowers to gift to his wife Kate who is recovering from surgery.

The Princess of Wales is said “to be doing well” after she went under the knife for an undisclosed condition in January.

Britain's Prince William, Prince of Wales receives a bouquet of flowers for his wife Catherine, Princess of Wales during a visit to the Western Marble Arch Synagogue (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Britain’s Prince William, Prince of Wales receives a bouquet of flowers for his wife Catherine, Princess of Wales during a visit to the Western Marble Arch Synagogue (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

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